I was playing GTA3 the other day and I realised just how dated it was. When I first played it when it came out on PS2 I was amazed at how much freedom you got, because such freedom to do stuff had never been matched by any other game before-hand. I just found it so addictive wandering around and seeing what you can do - I also thought that no-one would be able to beat it for quite some time. But since the GameCube and especially in the last year, games in general have had so much more freedom - making GTA3 nothing special, it would've been quite hard to beleive that this would be the case back in 2001 or whenever. So when I came back to GTA3 - I actually felt quite restriced, wheras I used to admire how many different cars there were that you could drive, now I'm thinking, "well there aren't *that* many" - and the world isn't *that* big and the AI isn't *that* good, infact its quite predictable by todays standards and you no longer draw fun from it. And that ruins the whole game because your less forgiving of its flaws - the slightly repetitive tasks, the poor graphics, poor controls, its only a *bit* fun. This time last year I would've given it 10/10 but now I'd give it 7/10.
So what has this got to do with True Crime? Well, until last week, when anyone who told me that it would be "better than GTA3" I would've disagreed with and dismissed it as one of those wishful-thinking "who needs GTA when we've got this" comments from a nintendo fan. But having played it again from a year or so of not playing it, I've realised how dated it all is - and yes, in 2003 I'm sure a game of the same genre could easily beat it.
Still, I won't be able to afford it, with so many great games coming out it won't be any higher than 10th on my wish-list and since I can only afford 4 more games this year - its very difficult. Its a great time - with all those great GameCube games its tough deciding what not to get.