GOGOGOGO Nintendo buy buy buy!
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GOGOGOGO Nintendo buy buy buy!
Cubed3 ought to pull it's money. I've always wanted my own little game studio.
I'll put in $20. Who else wants in on this?
Go Media Molecule, buy Free Redical and make Free Molecule, best gaming company on the planet
Wow that bites. I know most likely Nintendo wouldn't buy it though. If they did i well have a heart attack... lol. I do have a bad feeling though either Sony or Microsoft well jump on it like a cat on Cat Nip.
TAG said:
Cubed3 ought to pull it's money. I've always wanted my own little game studio.I'll put in $20. Who else wants in on this?
Yeah, I'll match that.
Keven said:I'm in, too! Boo-yah!TAG said:
Cubed3 ought to pull it's money. I've always wanted my own little game studio.I'll put in $20. Who else wants in on this?
Yeah, I'll match that.
You have to wonder just how much of the core staff is in the remaining 40 employees. After hearing the head honchos and a large batch have formed 'Pumpkin Beach' will FRD ever really be the same? I suppose whoever buys it will be mainly wanting the company's franchises (Second Sight, TimeSplitters...anything else?)
come on Big N buy them or anyone but EA oh god any one but EA
Jump_button said:
come on Big N buy them or anyone but ubisoft oh god any one but ubisoft
Fixed it
I do hope a company with seemingly limitless depths of cash, i.e EA, buys them because then we wouldn't really have to worry about them again.
I'd even want Sega to buy them.
It wont be nintendo, because of the wide variety of games that free radical make, it will more likely be a company like ubisoft or EA. If sony or microsoft take it, there will be no timesplitters on wii
I don't see Nintendo buying them.
Hopefully EA or SEGA. EA have been very nice to BioWare so far.
I mean there wasn't a huge EA logo all over the Sonic Chronicles box, which is what I was worried about.
I've got *pulls out pockets* ...
36p, half a train ticket, two pics and a Christmas cracker joke. Deal?
TAG said:
Cubed3 ought to pull it's money. I've always wanted my own little game studio.
I'll put in $20. Who else wants in on this?
Keven said:
Yeah, I'll match that.
MechaG2 said:
I'm in, too! Boo-yah!;-
come on dont be cheap.
i'll put 20$ and 95cents ;-.
hahaha, i wonder how much a buy out would actually cost...
go ninty go!
Moar western franchises plz?
Sonic Chronicles was made after EA bought pandemic, thats why they aren't on the box.
I think SEGA should go for this one
Flynnie said:
hahaha, i wonder how much a buy out would actually cost...
Depends on the highest bid, which I reckon will be Engulf Anything.
I think they have the most interest and money for the job.
Echoes221 said:
It wont be nintendo, because of the wide variety of games that free radical make
Mario_0 said:Echoes221 said:
It wont be nintendo, because of the wide variety of games that free radical make
Three FPS and a third person shooter is considered variety?
Are they that talented? Timesplitters was great when the first one came out, but rather "meh" and uninspiring from then on, and the only other things they've done are the good Second Sight, and that really pants PS3 game recently. Fuck Free Radical. May their company fall like a house of cards, it's nothing worth saving, particularly.
I'll put in $20. Who else wants in on this?
I'll put in $40 and be the majority shareholder. HA!
I want Nintendo to buy them. As I said the last post about them, Nintendo needs another solid 2nd party to make "hardcore" games.