Yay for milky white boobs
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Yay for milky white boobs
This has gota come out in the west.
The budget looks big enough to justify it.
Darkflame said:
The budget looks big enough to justify it.
And the boobs are big enough to justify it as well.
Either MGE (dead-tired, can't be arsed to type your name out in full XD) is extremely horny, extremely drunk, under influence of intoxicating substances of his choice, or all of the above.
Or he likes boobs.
Looking nice, I quite like the soft graphical style, very pleasing to the eyes.
Has this been confirmed in any way or form as being translated for us?
And yes, MGE, I know you'll probably find her boobs very pleasing to the eyes as well ;-
MGE said:
Yay for milky white boobs
Anyway it looks... umm... Interesting!
I'm not the only one obssessed with boobs. Look at her left (our right) breast, that teddy bear is going for a mouthful