Final Fantasy

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Topic for discussing the best and worst of the series, and anything about it really.


I haven't played a ton of them. I played the first one, but pretty much can only really remember playing the 3 that are most mentioned as the best in the series: IV, VI, and VII. Really like all three of them, with my own personal ranking being:


How about you guys?

( Edited 10.08.2014 23:47 by Azuardo )

I've played quite a few, both mainline Numbered titles and some spinoffs. The three Playstation 1 games are my personal favourites, although 10, 10-2, 4 (DS) and 6 are quite good.

As a fan tribute, Crisis Core is quite good. Dirge of Cerberus doesn't get away with it though. I tried FF Tactics Advance on the GBA once, couldn't get into it though. Smilie

Crystal Chronicles on Gamecube was alright, completely rubbish if you're playing alone though, I sure hope Square haven't canceled Crystal Bearers, that one looked promising.

Haven't been able to try any version of 11 yet, and 12 sucks balls, so I'm keeping an eye on 13, especially now I won't have to buy a PS3 just for it. Smilie

I feel this needs to be Sticky'd (and Official'd) so if anyone has any objections say so soon.

FF is easily one of my favourite series' of all time, right up there with Mario, Zelda, and Kingdom Hearts (also by Square <3) I only really got into FF in 6th gen though, and before that I had only heard about it and pretended to be a fan.

I will also say that Final Fantasy (and Kingdom Hearts) changed me from a Nintendo fanboy to a multiconsole gamer almost single handedly (the other big factor being that 360 is too good not to own for a hardcore gamer really)


Believe it or not I only recently got Final Fantasy VII for the first time, in the last month or so. I had never played it before then. People called me crazy, but it's 'k. While FFVII has probably become one of my favourite FF games already (not hard seeing as most of them are my favourites XD) I still think Cloud and Sephiroth are the most overrated characters in video game history. >=[

Zack, Tifa, Yuffie and RedXIII on the other hand are pretty damn awesome.

As for my favourite FF titles, it's almost impossible to say... This list will probably change around very often but it's definitely not set in stone. Atm I feel like:

Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II

(Keep in mind all of them are my "favourites" except II, which is still awesome, but just nowhere near as good as I IMO D: )
The only ones I havn't played (or havn't played enough of) are VIII, X and XII. Will get around to getting/playing them on though.

Oh, and I also love every game in the Crystal Chronicles series. :3

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I haven't played all of them but Final Fantasy X got me into the series. I loved it!
Then I played Final Fantasy XII and just couldn't get into it. I don't why.

I'd probably list them...

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy IV DS
Final Fantasy III DS

as my top three. But I haven't played many more than that.

I only really played through FF III and IV properly, but I have XII and the first one I played was VIII, I played on my uncles PSX but the Disk was so scratched everytime we nearly defeated the final boss it cut out and we had to start again.

IV is the best one that i\'ve played through enough of that i\'ve enjoyed, although the grinding can get a bit anoying though not as much as in III.

( Edited 27.10.2008 15:00 by Stulaw )

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I got bored half way through VII and III. Haven't played any others, though X has been on my shelf for a few months.

When FFVI is remade on Wii (which it WILL/SHOULD/PROBABLY WON'T be) everyone who's got into FF in recent years will be able to witness true awesomeness in it's purest form. Smilie

i.e. Terra.

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I dunno, I really want them to remake it for DS, and save FF7 remake for Wii.

It just seems like 6 belongs on the DS, along with its other remade 2D brethren.

Considering Square-Enix haven't even announced the V DS Remake yet, I wouldn't bet on seeing Handheld VI anytime soon. Maybe on the next-gen DS. Smilie

Even better.

Personally I don\'t think DS is good enough to show FFVI the way I want it to be shown. Mainly \'cos to be honest I was a little disappointed with FFIV\'s music on DS. Not as much of an improvement as it could have been. I want detail and high quality in every aspect of it. FFIV is awesome, but I think people need to hold FFVI on the same scale of awesome as FFVII (or better) and it won\'t get that on DS.

Otherwise I\'ll just demand they remake it again Smilie

Especially since I see PS3 getting FFVII instead. Wii needs SOMETHING (although I kinda get the feeling it\'ll get nothing....)

EDIT: Another good reason for FFVI on a main console is voice acting. FFVI has the most playable characters in any mainseries FF game (14), and the combinations for parties are also huge. Either there will be very little voice acting, or they\'ll make it so there\'s different voice acting for every path you choose (sort of like Mass Effect with with hardly as much voicing Smilie)

Also I think it may just be too big for the DS D:

( Edited 21.10.2008 22:20 by SuperLink )

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Personally I don\'t think DS is good enough to show FFVI the way I want it to be shown. I want detail and high quality in every aspect of it. FFIV is awesome, but I think people need to hold FFVI on the same scale of awesome as FFVII (or better) and it won\'t get that on DS.

I dunno - Final Fantasy IV looks better than VII does aside from the resolution. I do agree that 6 really deserves an amazing remake, but I do think they can accomplish it on DS.

We\'ll see though. On Wii they\'d be able to do more VA and stuff too..I just really prefer playing RPG games on handhelds.

Considering Square-Enix haven\'t even announced the V DS Remake yet, I wouldn\'t bet on seeing Handheld VI anytime soon. Maybe on the next-gen DS.

Well, the DSi should expand the life of the system a good bit.

( Edited 21.10.2008 22:20 by Jacob4000 )

I know what you mean about handhelds.... so maybe DS2 (or PSP... if it\'s not too long for PSP)

And yeah Map stuff on FFIV look better than FFVII, minus the pre-rendered backgrounds.

But in battle I think FFVII may look better.

And to be honest I want FFVI to look better than FFVII XD

( Edited 21.10.2008 22:26 by SuperLink )

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Despite the fact that it seems to be "cool" to hate on VII, it is my favourite of all the ones I've played.

Martin_ said:
Despite the fact that it seems to be "cool" to hate on VII, it is my favourite of all the ones I've played.

I don't hate it at all, but I do get annoyed that it overshadows the previous games so much, especially V and VI. I also think Cloud and Sephiroth are very overrated characters.

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Yeah, VII is great, but its far too often placed as the best Final Fantasy - I think that truly belongs to VI.

Its like how I feel about Zelda. Everyone goes "ZOMG OoT!!1" when LttP is clearly the better game. Smilie

Martin_ said:
Despite the fact that it seems to be "cool" to hate on VII, it is my favourite of all the ones I've played.

Aye - defo - I hate the snobbery from some of the hardcore FF fans that say "oh, everyone says that FFVII was the best". For me it is, as I haven't played many of the other entries long enough to appreciate em lol. My fave Square RPG is Chrono Trigger anyways Smilie

What pissed me off royally was when my mum's friend's sons took me around on holiday and I said I played some of the FF games. They played some FF tunes in the car and asked me to identify which game and when - I couldn't, so they ripped the shit outta me. Bunch of twats Smilie

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Aye - defo - I hate the snobbery from some of the hardcore FF fans that say \"oh, everyone says that FFVII was the best\".

That\'s not a swipe at me is it? Smilie

I\'m far from a hardcore fan, only played a handful of them, I just think VI is a better game. That\'s no slight to VII though, it kicks butt too.

( Edited 22.10.2008 02:42 by Jacob4000 )

I stopped playing FFX recently after getting to the third incarnation of Seymour. I saw him, said "fuck it", and popped in Metal Gear.

But dude Yuna is kind of hot for a CGI chick. Smilie

Sub-standard Voice Actress though. Smilie

One thing that peed me off about FFX was the lack of any explorable world map. After playing the three Playstation titles it was a bit of a surprise not to see one. X is good regardless, but still...Smilie

Actually it took so long to get to the map on FFVII that I thought there wouldn\'t even be a world map.

jb said:
Aye - defo - I hate the snobbery from some of the hardcore FF fans that say \"oh, everyone says that FFVII was the best\". For me it is, as I haven\'t played many of the other entries long enough to appreciate em lol. My fave Square RPG is Chrono Trigger anyways Smilie

I don\'t see it as snobbery, Final Fantasy VII is ONLY popular because it was in the right place at the right time. If FFVI was released on PSX at the same time FFVII was instead of FFVII, then FFVI would be the most popular. No question. There\'s nothing incredible about FFVII\'s story or characters compared to the earlier ones, especially VI.

What annoys me is when people say \"FFVII is the best\" when it\'s the only one they\'ve played and they havn\'t even made an effort to enjoy the others, simply because \"it\'s not FFVII\" or \"It doesn\'t have Cloud in it\".

That\'s not even the half of it. Hardcore gamers may know and appreciate FFVI, but the grand majority will have only heard of FFs VII to X, and say IX is shit, which is odd because IX is more similar to the classic games.

The reason this gets up my grill so much is because FF V and VI are my 2 favourite Final Fantasy games, and I have almost noone to talk to about them, especially V. People who claim to be huge FF fans just don\'t appreciate how awesome these games are because they don\'t even try them.


Not poking at you or anything jb, but just trying to see if you can understand why some bigger FF fans might behave that way to you. Smilie

Bet those guys mostly played tunes from VIII and X anyway. Smilie

( Edited 22.10.2008 09:34 by SuperLink )

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I see what you're saying Supes, but you have to give FF7 a bit more credit than that. Arguably, it was the game that kicked off the Playstation's success, established a strong audience for RPGs outside of Japan, and probably reinforced the need for proper translations in Videogames. Smilie

But only because it was in the right place at the right time.

Like I said, if the stories and characters for FFVII and FFVI were swapped, everyone would be bumming Terra unfairly and completely ignoring the existence of Cloud.

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I seem to have a strange tendancy to get to the final boss of FF games, die and never play again. I did that with FFV and FF8.

BTW, yes Superlink, FFV was fucking awesome. Even if the game didn't exist, and it was a blank screen playing the Gilgamesh music I'd probably love it Smilie

knighty said:
BTW, yes Superlink, FFV was fucking awesome. Even if the game didn't exist, and it was a blank screen playing the Gilgamesh music I'd probably love it Smilie

Amen, and despite so many FFXII haters I could probably appreciate it for the orchestrated "Battle on the Bridge" alone Smilie

And yeah the only FF games I've actually completed are I and II. Most FF games I get to the last dungeon and give up for months. I never completed the extra scenario on FFII either.

I think I'll complete III and IV on DS eventually though, and I did actually get to the final boss of III and do really well before I decided I needed some more grinding, and on FFV I basically ran through the last dungeon without fighting any battles or getting any items. Smilie so yeah I did get to the final boss of that aswell.

Final dungeon on VI gave me a headache though so I never tried it much.

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Funnily enough, V is the only one of the original 10 FF games I'm yet to try in any form. Smilie

I'm still holding out to see if Square'll remake it as a DS game, but if not I'll probably hunt down the Advance version.

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