Final Fantasy

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And yeah, I love Counter to bits, especially in FFIV Draw + Reach + Counter = ultimate attacker

Heh, the combo I set up for Cecil is:

Drawattacks + Counter with Kick, which it does without needing Kick\'s usual \'loading\' time. Awesome.Smilie

By the way Supes, did you get my PM?

I don\'t think I could stomach games and games worth of turn-based battle, but I think the last one I played was Pokemon Yellow back in\'t day.

It can get a little repetitive. But make sure you take advantage of the Auto Battle system. Kicks loads of butt.

( Edited 18.01.2009 15:12 by Jacob4000 )

Yeah, the Materia system in FFVII has always been my favourite way of doing it. The board in FFX was just annoying. I'm yet to start XII yet as I love typical JRPGs and am a little worried about the move to the new battle system.

I must be one of the only ones that really likes FFXII. The music is a little less catchy but some of the better tracks are really great.

The story can get very confusing and it reminds me a lot of Star Wars Episode I, BUT, it has Balthier, who is somehow really incredibly awesome. And the only part of any costume that stands out just so happens to be Ashe\'s bright pink shortskirt!

I think one of the things I like about XII is that most of the battles aren\'t frustrating at all like random encounters can be.

( Edited 18.01.2009 17:31 by SuperLink )

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Crazylurch said:
I'm a snob when it comes to RPGs. Only really a FF fan. Lost Oddysey would be so much better if the frame rate wasn't so horrific in battle.

Tried installing the disk?

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FF12 battles SUCK ASS Smilie any game you can walk away and not do a thing and still level up is not right

if it was online it will be better but it just didt feel right


( Edited 18.01.2009 19:24 by Jump_button )

You played 13?

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He prolly meant FFXII. Smilie I don\'t see why everyone hates it.

But then again I\'m the only one who hates Metroid Prime so I can kinda see where they\'re coming from.

( Edited 18.01.2009 18:45 by SuperLink )

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yeah 12 Smilie im a big big ff fan cant wait for FF13,FF V 13,FF A 13

i own every ff game out there yes ff11 too lv 75smn

ff12 was just boring, didtr feel like a ff to me at all

( Edited 18.01.2009 19:40 by Jump_button )

Jambo said:
Yeah, the Materia system in FFVII has always been my favourite way of doing it.

I felt it was one of the worst as it completely drains all personality from the characters and turns them into nothing more than materia carriers. By the end game choice of materia combinations were more important than character choice which is wrong (my combination though was kick ass, X-Summon, X-Magic, X-Command, Knights of the Round, Haste, Shell, Regen, Reflect and mimic then Final Stand linked with Phoenix. That was fucking unstoppable and made Emerald Weapon a piece of piss).

The job system in the other FF games especially 9 is a lot better as it reinforces the player type and actually forces you to make decisions on who goes into your party based on what they bring.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

just pre-order FF7ACC with the FFXIII 2hour demo XD cant wait

FF8 was my introduction to FF and to RPGs. I thought it was the most unusual game I had ever seen as I had not really seen a JRPG game before. Was hooked as soon as I saw Balamb Garden. Smilie

I was a bit disspointed when I found out FF9 didn\'t continue the story as I wasn\'t aware at the time that each FF was seperate.

I like FFX-2\'s battles above most. Mainly because they\'re nice and fast which helped with the random encounters.

FF12, which I\'ve yet to complete after 2 years, is a great game and really stands out from the rest. The battles I like but level grinding is really slow which has halted the game for me a few times due to difficult bosses.

FF9, which is one of my faves, is spoiled by a painfully slow atb system. Plus, because Square decided that Trance should activate automatically, I would always end up being in trance against the tinest of enemies and then be stuck without it in boss fights.

I\'ve completed (in order of completion): FF 8, 9, 7, 10, 10-2, 1

The rest are currently a work in progress. Smilie

( Edited 19.01.2009 22:46 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

The best battle system is easily FFX-2, followed by FFX. I liked the set-up for FF8 and 4 a lot more than the materia system used in VII. As MGE said, the actual characters were basically pointless, its just the materia you equipped them with.

Anyway next question:


Dunno. I\'ve forgotten most of them. I think it has to be one of the Gilgamesh fights from FFV for me. His theme also has the honour of being more awesome than the FFVII boss music.

So yeah, Gilgamesh.

EDIT: Or one of the many fights with Ultros on FFVI, probably the one at the Opera, or the one on the airship with Typhoon. Another great FFVI boss is the Phantom Train; way creepier in FFI though.

( Edited 20.01.2009 00:21 by SuperLink )

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ive played... all of them except 6. my favorite is 8 & 10 for the legthlyness. 10 was amaising, it stired every kind of emotion and the opening was so fueled with stress/adreniline that i thought i was wetting myself for half of it. and 8... that game is in a league of its own, ive completed it twice and ive had it since i was about 9 hahah.

i do hope the XIII games are good.. well i just hope they are released lol

Everything is funny... except music

My favorites are 8 and 9 simply because I really enjoyed the story line for both of them. Also I like the online one final fantasy 11 which I really got into when my brother use to play it.

Really looking forward to 13, can\'t wait to see what it\'s like Smilie

( Edited 20.01.2009 12:52 by Falcon Armour X )

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MGE said:
Jambo said:
Yeah, the Materia system in FFVII has always been my favourite way of doing it.

I felt it was one of the worst as it completely drains all personality from the characters and turns them into nothing more than materia carriers. By the end game choice of materia combinations were more important than character choice which is wrong (my combination though was kick ass, X-Summon, X-Magic, X-Command, Knights of the Round, Haste, Shell, Regen, Reflect and mimic then Final Stand linked with Phoenix. That was fucking unstoppable and made Emerald Weapon a piece of piss).

Having to cast haste then shell? Did you not acquire the Big Guard enemy skill? This would have given you the ability to cast Haste and Wall on everyone in the same move. You would only have regen left to cast though I don't rate it. I prefered to master knights of the round a couple of times (easily done in the crater near the end)and have that joined with mp absorb and hp absorb. Everyone else could mime for fun. You would only need Phoenix-Final Attack incase it used its ultimate attack for 9999.

Plus I don't think any of the characters lost their personality with the materia system. They all have different stats which if you played it properly meant you should have only used some materia with certain people or the negative effect of it would have made them puny. Plus their limit breaks are quite unique and useful in a lot of cases. Shame you couldn't keep Aeris to the end because her Great Gospel move was ace.

Anyone thinking I played it too much now? Smilie


When I get my PS2 I am going to get all of the FF games. But the ones for PS1 are quite cheap on Amazon. The best FF game is IV, but VI is close behind it. I think that it is the best RPG series ever.

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Crazylurch said:

Anyone thinking I played it too much now? Smilie

*flicks through big book of life* according to this you there is no way of playing FF7 too many times.

Hmmm it also says if you play kirby more than twice you become a raging homosexual.

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Big book of life is wrong then, Kirby is one of the most replayable platformers ever made. Smilie

Am I the only one who doesn't like Aerith? Everyone seems to baww at the thought of her death, but the only sadness in it for me was the music, I never liked Aerith at all.

Zack's death is much much sadder, especially since Zack was actually cool. Smilie

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Yeah but you played the game 10 years too late, knew she was going to die.

It\'s like playing Golden Eye for the first time this year, your going to lose some magic.

( Edited 22.01.2009 15:58 by Mario_0 )

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I knew Zack was going to die, but the events surround his death are just so much more sad.

I didn't like Aerith in Crisis Core either.

I dunno, maybe if I was 7 when I first played FFVII I woulda like Aerith 'cos she was nice to Cloud who's the most awesome guy ever and she had a pretty pink dress.

But if I played it again without my nostalgia goggles I still think I wouldn't like her.

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Well it\'s not like I bawlled my eyes out either or anything, it was more of a suprise to me so it did kinda suck losing her since I never seen it coming.

( Edited 22.01.2009 16:07 by Mario_0 )

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Assuming I was a smart RPG player at that age, the thing that would have annoyed me most was losing a White Mage by surprise, the backbone of any RPG party.

But I knew it was coming so I prepared Yuffie to be my White Mage for the rest of the game xD

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I used barrat as my white mage.

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Mario_0 said:
I used barrat as my white mage.

lol interesting choice for a white mage

Aeris (I can't be arsed calling her Aerith) was a good character in my opinion. A bit friggin integral to the story too. See I was nice to her so she was the one that joined me on the fireworks ride in the golden saucer. See I played this game when it first came out and I knew nothing about it. I found the fireworks bit quite moving for a kid as I was at the time.

At the end of disc one, is wasn't so much the killing of her that was sad; that was more of a shock moment. Even more so because you get attacked by Jenova during the music too which was a good touch. The sad bit was when cloud lets her go in the insanely deep pond. lol actually thinking about that bit now it was kind of funny that he looked like he was standing there and then when she sunk it almost seemed bottomless.

Hmm other bits that seemed poignant...

Yeah the Zack story was good though ended cheesily with cloud lifting buster's sword and rasising it to Midgar.

I know there are plenty of RPGs out there that are longer but FFVII FELT very long to me. It could be that I spent time doing everything in the game or it could be the fact that it started off in Midgar and you were there first time for about 5 hours before you realised there was a world to explore! FFVII's world opening up in the best way I think. In the beginning it took ages to get to the next place through either long bits of map to walk over and the masses of distinctually different places that you could explore.

I know a remake of the game in glorious HD graphics would be nice but I would be afraid of it losing the magic it had back then. Nobody new would probably appreciate it as much because it is likely that they would know to much about the story before they played it.


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