Darkflame said:
Not really.
Its just being honest...they havnt enough time to put the feature in.
From that we can assume they should purhapes set more time/budget to the project, sure.
But its not like "We left it out for your benifit", which we get from a lot of developers being interviewed.
(advanced wars comes to mind)
They sound like that to me ("We left it out for your benefit")while saying:
At the same time, we were also limited by the production schedule. Overall, we felt that the new, more compact interface would allow the game to flow between story-telling and battles much smoother, creating a much better experience on for our players.
So they said the truth and then tried to mask it.
Darkflame said:
Dont think so.
Using the GC engine would be the cheaper, faster option for them. Even an upgraded one.
Really, they can just smack the whole ToS source code, and start changing assets and scriptings straight away for the new game.
Adding the code for the elemental battles and such probably isnt more effort then porting the other engine to the Wii.
Dunno, but the cell shading is out, monsters modeled for Abyss are in, and the flex range is in... seems a lot closer to the Abyss engine running on the Wii than the opposite. It would also explain how the first images managed to look 20 times worser than Symphonia ever did.
Darkflame said:
If they are on a restrictive budget this is the option they will probably be going for.
cheap bastards, it's not like they're doing us a favor you know, they're milking us with recycled assets, while they use 90% of Team Symphonia on X360 due to moneyhats. This crap towards the Wii has to stop.
If we lead, actually sell in japan and they don't use the excuse "it's for PS3 because we started development beforehand"... we are preferential, not X360 by a thousand miles.
We are getting the short end of the stick on this one, and we could be getting both and they weren't doing us a favor.
X360? that's a joke
Darkflame said:
As I said, I dont really mind.
As long as the puzzles and humour is still there.
If the game is just, like lots of RPGs, a big charecter-battle loop, then I'll give it a miss.
I do mind, I'll still getting it and I'm boycotting Vesperia, but I just can't help but being pissed at Namco, they've been crap, their decisions are stupid and they deserve to be slammed by them.