First Screenshots of Sonic Unleashed?

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Every screenshot of Galaxy looks like that. If you don't believe me just look it up.

please either tell me how to do a comparison or do it yourself. SMG shots vs sonic shots would enable us to actually compare like for like. I tried the image tab but surely i need a (an?) url with just a picture on its own.

2509 2156 5486

Ah right. The ch_revival/Sidepocket waffling, arrogant, assumption-based argument - This has precedent.

I don't know how to respond to you without being patronising, like I'm talking to a child.

Ha childish.

You\'re the one getting excited. I was just talking about sonic until you mr flare up holier than thou turned up.

Why have you quoted me in your sig? what are you trying to say? do you know me? have I ever attempted to communicate with you before you did that? childish. Ha!

I\'m happily childish. I\'m the most childish person I know.

Fucking hypocrite.

Don\'t get too excited again you\'re not as fun as the other guy.

( Edited 28.03.2008 12:02 by KingDom )

2509 2156 5486

Does it really matter? everyone knows the 360/PS3 can pull off better visuals than the Wii. What\'s the point in trying to compare something that\'s impossible?

It\'s obvious that the Wii game won\'t look as good, but it doesn\'t mean it\'s going to stop it from being a great game.

Could we please stop arguing and insulting others about such pointless things and get back on topic about the actual game?

( Edited 28.03.2008 12:09 by Marzy )

The good news?

Sonic Unleashed is listed for Wii.

The bad news?

PS2 also. Smilie

Of course, they're probably just guessing. Still, doesn't bode well.

WOO! I was right all along. Smilie

2509 2156 5486

KingDom, I believe what knighty and CuRoi were arguing against is if the Wii could handle the graphics seen in those screenshots, not if the Wii would have the game. Those are 2 seperate things. Personally, I think it's not unlikely for the Wii to have the game, but those screens do look a bit too good for the Wii. Now, here is what could be done:

#1 The Wii will get a slightly downed version of the 360 and it could end up looking like one of the best Wii games yet with a bit of time & effort put in

#2 The Wii version will be a port of the inevitable PS2 version. i.e. shit graphics anyway.

I don't even know why I considered the first option.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wii could easily support these graphics. Anyone heard of a game called Mario Galaxy? This wouldn\'t be much of a step up from that.

I do agree with Super Link\'s second possibility, however. it will be a crappy PS2 port

( Edited 28.03.2008 17:11 by Vegna )

Lord of Darkness
Brawl FC: 1160 9412 7621

SuperLink said:
#2 The Wii version will be a port of the inevitable PS2 version. i.e. shit graphics anyway.

If you bad-mouth PS2 one more time, me and you are going to go outside. You hear me?

KingDom said:
Ha childish.

You're the one getting excited. I was just talking about sonic until you mr flare up holier than thou turned up.

Why have you quoted me in your sig? what are you trying to say? do you know me? have I ever attempted to communicate with you before you did that? childish. Ha!

I'm happily childish. I'm the most childish person I know.

Fucking hypocrite.

Don't get too excited again you're not as fun as the other guy.


Oni-Ninja said:
If you bad-mouth PS2 one more time, me and you are going to go outside. You hear me?

Is bad mouthing mid-gen PS2 quality games on a 7th gen console not allowed? Smilie

( Edited 28.03.2008 17:53 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Vegna said:
Wii could easily support these graphics. Anyone heard of a game called Mario Galaxy? This wouldn\'t be much of a step up from that.

I do agree with Super Link\'s second possibility, however. it will be a crappy PS2 port

Look no one is debating whether wii could pull off graphics similer to those in the screens, for a start there hardly pushing the 360/PS3, but the screens shown so far are not been from the Wii version.
The fact they were released in 720p is a dead give away.

It will be blatently obvious when we see screens from the wii version.

( Edited 28.03.2008 18:13 by Blade2t3 )

This is unbelievable....

Image for

Secret Rings.

Image for


If you still don't get why those screenshots aren't on the Wii then you need an eye check or possibly become an hero.

The Wii will have a version of the game. The screenshots are not from it.

"Sonic unleashed will be on the cover of the next PLAY magazine, it will also feature in Nintendo's magazine (NOM) and will be in the August issue. The screens I have uploaded are from the Xbox 360 version of the game, however, the game is going to be a multiformat release."

Now unless the best looking game on the Wii so far (Mario Galaxy), made by the people who actually made the console and know their way around it like the backs of their hands, is nowhere near as good as the Wii can handle, then the Wii version will not look anywhere near as good.

Plus it's fucking Sonic Team, you think they're gonna put effort into a game? XD

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I wouldn\'t have been comparing secret rings at all. And that other shot, not containing a sonic, could be misleading (i.e not from a realistic position in the game). Look at the shots in the white place esp the leafiest one.

My feeling was that if people keep saying \"it does seem a bit better\" than wii/SMG why does that mean it\'s immediately impossible that you could ever have a game with graphics a bit better than you\'d expect. I feel theres an innate pessimism in most peoples expectations of the wii. been dissapointed too many times I suppose.

As for res I don\'t see why the shot, being 720xblah, means the game will run at that on a tv. Surely that\'s just the shot?

Edit: @ curoi. Did I stutter?

The fact that you can\'t read is not a criticism. I\'m sorry you have a problem with my grammar!

Childish. Ha!

( Edited 28.03.2008 21:43 by KingDom )

2509 2156 5486

Yeah a lot of Twilight Princess promotional 'screenshots' were in high-definition resolutions. However, I think Graeme is right in his pessimism I'm afraid, King. For you see, the Wii is naught but an over-clocked GameCube. They spent four years getting the most out of the GC. Not much more will be gleaned from the Wii. It's greatest looking games are but a fraction better looking than the GC's.

Which is OK, because that's the choice you make when you buy a Wii; last-gen graphics with perhaps a bit of extra spit. I personally don't think this game looks that great. Lower the texture resolution, the screen resolution, take out the shaders, lower the poly count- there's your Wii version. Unfortunately for the Wii, I imagine it's version will have more in common with the PS2 version than the 360/PS3 one. Which is understandable, as it is essentially a last-gen console itself, in terms of performance. I've never seen the Wii do anything the Xbox1 couldn't, in terms of graphics.

Am I not right in thinking that SMG has high polys (round planets would require it surely), texture resolution (yoshi planet?) and the wii has some form of shader support. I'm ready to admit that pessimism is well founded now just felt a little bit creative yesterday.

2509 2156 5486

Polycounts haven't raised that much in recent years. The majority of improvement has come from shader effects. Yoshi planets texture isn't high resolution, it's just repeating.

Furthermore, most of what you see in Galaxy is just skybox. If you know and understand what a skybox is, then you\'ll get why Galaxy looked nicer than your average Wii game. Basically, they could concentrate nearly all of the graphical output onto those spheres, there characters, and objects. There were no landscapes are environments (in the traditional sense) to be concerned with.

To see a demonstrable example of this, play GoldenEye on the Frigate level. The framerate is pretty choppy outside on the deck, and in and around the bridge (and the hanger). Take Bond outside on the deck though, and move him right up to the railings looking out to see, and hey presto- the framerate rockets to a blistering 60fps. Because you\'re just looking at a little bit of skybox, and a flat blue polygon for sea. Oh, and Bond\'s hand. Look at these;

Image for

^Everything apart from Mario, the sphere, and the piranha plant? Skybox. Now take a look at this;

Image for

^No skybox at all in that particular image. It\'s all computively-expensive (in comparison to the ol\' skybox) scenery. Now take away most of that scenery, rely on the old skybox, OC the GC, add a few extra years of advanced programming techniques and the like, and you can update the looks here and there, and you have Galaxy. And yes, the Wii can do shaders. The Xbox1 could also do shaders (to an equal standard as Wii, I think).

In fact, that was the one thing that made the Xbox \'more powerful\' over the GC- it could do shaders. So essentially Nintendo are now around about level technologically with MS\' last-gen console. W00t?

( Edited 28.03.2008 22:11 by Oni-Ninja )

That makes a lot of sense. I knew there was something clever going on.

2509 2156 5486

Most things use sky spheres nowadays, certainly Galaxy. And spheres don\'t require that many polygons, certainly not next to a character model. That\'s somewhat more than just a sphere though....but yeah the fact that Galaxy is in space certainly contributes to its visuals.

( Edited 28.03.2008 23:11 by knighty )

Lol, when you play OoT or MM on an emulator in high res, you can see that the sky is a box. It looks horrid.

KingDom said:
I wouldn't have been comparing secret rings at all. And that other shot, not containing a sonic, could be misleading (i.e not from a realistic position in the game). Look at the shots in the white place esp the leafiest one.

My feeling was that if people keep saying "it does seem a bit better" than wii/SMG why does that mean it's immediately impossible that you could ever have a game with graphics a bit better than you'd expect. I feel theres an innate pessimism in most peoples expectations of the wii. been dissapointed too many times I suppose.

As for res I don't see why the shot, being 720xblah, means the game will run at that on a tv. Surely that's just the shot?

Edit: @ curoi. Did I stutter?

The fact that you can't read is not a criticism. I'm sorry you have a problem with my grammar!

Childish. Ha!

I still don't understand! Nothing to do with grammar.

Shame. Leave me alone you retard. There is a thread here you know.

2509 2156 5486

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