Crumbley said:
Did you 17/18/19 guys all have megadrives and shit when they were quite old? Because I\'m 19 and that stuff was before my time tbh. It was always older brother\'s mates/mates\'older brothers who had them.
Hm...I\'m 19 in a couple of a MegaDrive for my 7th that I got a MegaDrive when it was 5 years old, I guess. Never really realised that before, kind of seemed new to me at the time. But then, I only had an NES before that, so I guess it would have seemed newer. Then I got a Sega Saturn...not sure when...then I traded that in for an N64...again, not sure when. Then I got a \'Cube on release...I\'m kind of glad I started out with the older consoles instead of jumping straight to the N64. Shame I missed out on the awesomness that is the SNES, but that was remedied by a car boot sale a few years ago.
Wow, reminiscing is awesome. :3 Off topic though.
Were-Sonic? Oh dear.
Actually, can someone just change my name to Martin? \'Oni-NInja\' is fucking gay.
You can change it yourself I think...I changed from Celebi3000 to Ikana in the profile settings somewhere...
( Edited 23.03.2008 20:41 by Ikana )