PK we all know that Sonic Team are that stupid!
Yeah some 2D but 3D bits like in SMG would be a very nice touch.
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PK we all know that Sonic Team are that stupid!
Yeah some 2D but 3D bits like in SMG would be a very nice touch.
Jesus Christ some people are it really that hard for some people to tell Wii / 360,PS3,PC / FMV graphics apart? Someone tell me I'm not going crazy.
A werewolf?! Sega are truly insane. Rumblings of a widespread Multiformat release too.
I don't mind what console this ends up on, as long as it turns out good, and judging from the clip, its going the way of Secret Rings, which is hopeful.
Although I'd like it for Wii as then I don't have to wait 3 years to play it.
Oh no. I can feel the Sonic fan in me stirring again. No matter what kick in the balls they deliver, they always have me coming back for more. Goddamn it, SEGA, I can\'t stop loving you.
This, this looks fantastic from the video. I saw the first batch of screens last night and was hoping the video would be leaked pretty soon, and here we go. I really like the flicking between 2D and 3D viewpoints and the art style is beautiful. Shame about the terrible screen-tearing in parts, but I\'m guessing this isn\'t that far into development. I\'ll be worried if this gets announced for release this year, as isn\'t that what happened with Sonic \'06?
Based on the success they had with the Wii version, I would guess it\'s coming to Wii, but the visuals in that video look way too good to be for that console alone - I\'m thinking multiplatform release with the Wii version scaled down and possibly using Secret Rings-style controls. Wii could probably handle some of the screen grabs posted, but I would say these assets are taken from a 360/PS3 version. I\'ll be disappointed if they ignore Wii and just release it on those consoles though considering the mauling the last 360/PS3 Sonic game got, but as said above I don\'t really care what system it\'s on - I just want a GOOD Sonic console game, at least as good as Secret Rings (which, for the record, I still say is the best 3D Sonic).
No sign of his friends yet, but there weren\'t the first time \'06 was shown either. Nice to see Robotnik back to a more cartoony design (and kicking Sonic\'s arse from the screens!), and Sonic himself also looks less human than he did in \'06. I hope they don\'t go with that rubbishy werewolf thing, but if they do I suppose I\'ll have to deal with it if the game otherwise looks so nice.
This better be good, SEGA. You\'re cruising by on credit with this one so far because of the art style and the glory that was Secret Rings. If I see Shadow the bleeding Hedgehog anywhere near it I will weep and lose hope until proven otherwise.
( Edited 23.03.2008 08:53 by Mason )Yeah that video is definitely not Wii. PS3/360, at the moment.
Looks quite nice in that vid. If it\'s going to come to Wii I hope SEGA put the effort into the graphics. I would like to see the same standard as seen in Super Mario Galaxy. It deserves such attention considering how well the last Sonic game did for them on Wii.
( Edited 23.03.2008 10:56 by Linkyshinks )I still think Secret Rings is one of the best looking Wii games, certainly one of the top few third party efforts, so I don\'t hold much fear on that front if a Wii version does appear (almost certainly will - rumours/alleged sources about are saying that this is going to be a cover story for Play magazine and ONM, so that would probably confirm multi-format).
I keep watching the video. Please, please limit the characters to Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Robotnik at the most, that\'s all I ask. Well probably not all, but it\'s high on the list.
( Edited 23.03.2008 09:28 by Mason )I really wish I could get why people find Sonic games fun. I don't know what I'm missing.
You're missing the good Megadrive games. Sonic's basically been shit since Sonic Adventure. on the Dreamcast. Every game since has been on a downhill slope.
knighty said:
I really wish I could get why people find Sonic games fun. I don't know what I'm missing.
On the contrary, I can't see why people couldn't find the originals fun. Some of the best platformers ever created, fantastic level design, perfect music. Please say you at least appreciated those.
If you're just talking about the 3D ones, I pretty much think they're turd (and that includes, for the most part, the first Sonic Adventure - some great moments, but overall didn't work that well for me) aside Secret Rings.
Music yes, technical stuff yes, but I just never found them fun.
I get bored of the original 2D Sonics after about 10/20 minutes. Despite the nostalgia. I find them more frustrating than fun, hate the level design. Ah well. I still keep buying them. :p
That video looks good! If it keeps looking this promising, I'll definately get this for 360.
A site called has confirmed Sonic Unleashed as a multiplatform release between all current gen consoles. The screens and movie are obviously from the PS3/360 version but the game is set to appear on Play's and the Offical Nintendo Magazine's front covers in the August issues. Good news for all console owners. I have a Ps3 now so I win either way.
Simez said:
A site called has confirmed Sonic Unleashed as a multiplatform release between all current gen consoles. The screens and movie are obviously from the PS3/360 version but the game is set to appear on Play's and the Offical Nintendo Magazine's front covers in the August issues. Good news for all console owners. I have a Ps3 now so I win either way.
Phew, good news if true, although that'll raise questions on the best version to get.
If Unleashed does work akin to Secret Rings, then I'd imagine the PS3 Pad's tilt sensors and processing power would be perfect for it. And if Wii receives a visually downgraded port, what will be its unique selling point? Not bloody Mini-games I hope.
I assume this is what Sonic Team Japan have been doing since the last atrocity, instead of fixing catastrophic memory leaks in Phantasy Star Universe.
I get bored of the original 2D Sonics after about 10/20 minutes. Despite the nostalgia. I find them more frustrating than fun, hate the level design.
Fucking weirdo...
Colour me weird too then.
I think you were probably just a Mario kind of guy at the time, Graeme. In fact, were you even about to appreciate the great Sonics at the time when they were new? You're quite young aren't you? Either way, I was a Sonic lad. I thought Mario was just a bunch of slow, gay shit. My fanboyism at the time for Sonic stopped me giving Mario the time of day. Years later I dropped the fanboyism (after getting my first Mario game in Super Mario 64) and rediscovered Mario's old games.
I'm so used to reminding people how shit Sonic Adventure was that I forget that I'm not much of a fan of even the 2D Sonic games. They look nice, but I lose interest after about 2 levels.
I'm 18 (19 in June) Oni, and yes I was a SNES kid. Seems everyone else has a Megadrive
Oni-Ninja said:
Either way, I was a Sonic lad. I thought Mario was just a bunch of slow, gay shit. My fanboyism at the time for Sonic stopped me giving Mario the time of day. Years later I dropped the fanboyism (after getting my first Mario game in Super Mario 64) and rediscovered Mario's old games.
Same. Sonic all the way when it comes to the 16-bit days.
knighty said:
I'm 18 (19 in June) Oni, and yes I was a SNES kid. Seems everyone else has a Megadrive
I was a SNES kid too.
I was never really interested in SEGA at all, until a friend let me borrow his Dreamcast. After that I bought my first ever SEGA console, the Dreamcast. Sadly it died off pretty quick.
I personally, thought the Sonic Adventure games were really good. I found the first one to be slightly better though.
As for this new game, it looks pretty cool. Hopefully it will be better than the last Sonic games on the 360 and PS3. I heard they weren't up to much.
The video does look absolutely gorgeous but the camera is really's far too close for the side on stuff and moving backwards and forwards is really disorientating.
I was intoduced to sonic and mario around the same time, Sonic on the megadrive and then I got Mario Land on the old Gameboy.
Good times.
Edit: Video looks interesting but the overall gameplay looks pretty dumbed down, looks more or less like the game is playing it\'s self most of the time.
Oni-Ninja said:
I think you were probably just a Mario kind of guy at the time, Graeme. In fact, were you even about to appreciate the great Sonics at the time when they were new? You\'re quite young aren\'t you? Either way, I was a Sonic lad. I thought Mario was just a bunch of slow, gay shit. My fanboyism at the time for Sonic stopped me giving Mario the time of day. Years later I dropped the fanboyism (after getting my first Mario game in Super Mario 64) and rediscovered Mario\'s old games.
I got a Mega Drive for my 7th Birthday, was a huge Sonic fan for many years. I got an NES when I was 5 years old, so I was introduced to both of them \'back in the good old days\'. Still have the NES and Mega Drive now. Still always prefered Mario. SMB3 and SMW completely pwn every Sonic game, by miles, imo. They require more skill, imo, where as Sonic is just pushing right and hoping you don\'t randomly fly into the abyss. :p The Sonic Adventure games are the best ones, IMO. Secret Rings has far too many frustrating flaws.
Video looks good, but agree with Knighty and Blade2t3. It\'s going to fast that it looks impossible so control, you\'re just pushing right...and the camera angles are wierd...hoping thats replay footage or something....probably not though...
( Edited 23.03.2008 15:26 by Ikana )