So now that I have made my purchase and now have Duo memory stick my PSP Slim feels alive now and is ready in wait for manipulation.
So, what can the PSP do?, in this very thread people mention PS1 emu, is this safe. Can I also do PS2 emu also, if not what consoles can I emu?
What can hacking your Firmware do for your PSP and is it worth it?. What are the dangers?, can I still get future official Firmware if need be?. I want to do some cool stuff games aside but do not know what it\'s capable of doing.
can I get FREE PSP games, is that possible?
I actually got a PSP on day one but sold it a few months after when the appeal had worn off. I am now very confident that some great GAMES are actually on the way, and ones much better than seen previously due to the bump in speed, as this game clearly shows. It is easily the best ever looking handheld game of it\'s kind.
God of War: CoO
March 28th release
EDIT: 1up Preview
Available now
Patapon is also awesome from what I have played. This month is going to be great for handhelds, Ninja Gaiden DS being released also in Japan.
Two hardcore games on handhelds in the same month on both the DS and PSP. It\'s fantastic and lessens the blow that CoO is slightly easy when you have Ninja Gaiden coming out. We all know how notoriously hard Itagaki\'s games are..
( Edited 08.04.2008 06:53 by Linkyshinks )