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So now that I have made my purchase and now have Duo memory stick my PSP Slim feels alive now and is ready in wait for manipulation.

So, what can the PSP do?, in this very thread people mention PS1 emu, is this safe. Can I also do PS2 emu also, if not what consoles can I emu?

What can hacking your Firmware do for your PSP and is it worth it?. What are the dangers?, can I still get future official Firmware if need be?. I want to do some cool stuff games aside but do not know what it\'s capable of doing.

can I get FREE PSP games, is that possible?

I actually got a PSP on day one but sold it a few months after when the appeal had worn off. I am now very confident that some great GAMES are actually on the way, and ones much better than seen previously due to the bump in speed, as this game clearly shows. It is easily the best ever looking handheld game of it\'s kind.

God of War: CoO Smilie

March 28th release

Patapon Smilie

EDIT: 1up Preview

Available now

Patapon is also awesome from what I have played. This month is going to be great for handhelds, Ninja Gaiden DS being released also in Japan.

Two hardcore games on handhelds in the same month on both the DS and PSP. It\'s fantastic and lessens the blow that CoO is slightly easy when you have Ninja Gaiden coming out. We all know how notoriously hard Itagaki\'s games are..

( Edited 08.04.2008 06:53 by Linkyshinks )

Guest 06.03.2008#2

I couldn't be arsed to fill in my birthdate again on the Gamespot video, so I went to redtube instead.

Patapon, from the makers of Locoroco I assume? 4 context sensitive buttons? Looks allright. 2D too. Nice.


Yes it is nice Smilie

It\'s not your typical rhythm game worthy of ridicule, it\'s actually lol worthy and full of depth in it\'s construct. It\'s very fun and addictive. My friend had to be wrestle me on a train the other day to get it back lol. After a while playing the music has a strange trance like effect on you.

A charming game, it is from the same developer but actually another team. I noticed the game a while back at TGS07 and thought it looked cool then, since then I have heard nothing but praise about it. It has a few flaws which relate to back tracking after spending too much money but apart from that it\'s great.

( Edited 06.03.2008 12:18 by Linkyshinks )

It's only just started to get decent games? What rock have you been living under? It's had loads of decent games for ages, I got mine for xmas and I still have a massive backcatalog of games that I want to play. I'd give you a list but it's on my PC at home Smilie

Either way, you have no reason to dislike the Slim. Great games, good loading times, pretty looking and all the emulation you need. It could keep me occupied forever.

I never said it had just started to get decent games, I implied it has a lack of them which is entirely true.

Sony seem to concentrate on unnecessary functions like Skype rather than bringing about quality inhouse games such as the first title above. It will change however. Oh and I forgot to include this on the list-

Crisis Core looks awesome, a FF7 fan must have title according to my japanese friends. The battle system is said to be great fun. Out this very month in the US I believe.

( Edited 06.03.2008 14:25 by Linkyshinks )

Guest 06.03.2008#6

I don't get it, are you insinuating I ridiculised that second game?

I\'ve still got my PSP since day -100 odd, but it\'s only got 5 games that get played.

My biggest problem with it is that the game it has are either better on a home console (usually due to lower production values and cramped controls) or casual tripe. Of course there are some more interesting games like Loco Roco and Patapon. Even then, they are in short supply and, after having Loco Roco, get repetitive very easily.

Perhaps someone could shed some more light on some decent PSP games I could buy?

( Edited 06.03.2008 11:32 by shiptoncraig )

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

Linkyshinks said:

Crisis Core looks awesome, a FF7 fan must have title according to my japanese friends. The battle system is said to be great fun.

Took the words right outa my mouth. I\'ll be re-buying a PSP (for the second time) with this game. When is it released btw?

Oh, and Shiptoncraig, you might want to track down Power Stone Collection, I\'ve heard thats quite good.

( Edited 06.03.2008 11:39 by Phoenixus )

Bart.... said:
I don\'t get it, are you insinuating I ridiculised that second game?

No Bart, not at all I realised you liked the look of it, I was just commenting first before some others who are quick to dismiss such games because of rhythm type mechanics. This game as you can see is both charming in respect to it\'s graphics and sound, also it\'s core mechanics are far deeper than what you see on the surface due to a clever system. I was just pointing that out to all before they slated it.

shiptoncraig said:
I\'ve still got my PSP since day -100 odd, but it\'s only got 5 games that get played.

My biggest problem with it is that the game it has are either better on a home console (usually due to lower production values and cramped controls) or casual tripe. Of course there are some more interesting games like Loco Roco and Patapon. Even then, they are in short supply and, after having Loco Roco, get repetitive very easily.

Perhaps someone could shed some more light on some decent PSP games I could buy?

Yeah I have to agree. Chains of Olympus will turn up on the PS2 eventually I think, as a result it could well be a better game. If not it will be a PSN download game of the highest calibre. The D Pad on the Slim is much improved over the initial PSP I have found.

I am no expert on the PSP so I cannot help you.

PSP owners, come out from the shadows and tell us what games are worth owning right now, and what is on the horizon if you know?

1up Patapon Preview

( Edited 06.03.2008 23:04 by Linkyshinks )

I'll be able to give you a proper list of games when I get home, and access to my other memory stick and games.

But the ones which I keep going back to from the top of my head are:

Brave Story: New Traveller, Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness, Bomberman Land (don't knock it till you've tried it, Mario wishes his party was as good as this), Sega Rally, Burnout Legends... and that's my memory failed. I blame work Smilie

I have Patapon, and it's awesome, be warned though you will eventully wander the streets muteering 'Pata pat pon' to yourself and jibbering like a madman, it's really addictive.

PSN ID: Karnic
Online PS3 Games: Warhawk, Motorstorm, Burnout Paradise and UT3.
Best Hack n' Slash game ever? MediEvil! Check it out

Got God or War yesterday actually... Anywho since i got a PSP lets just say mt DS has not been my best friend. Not only does the PSP have good games(DS has some Great games too) But i can listen to music, watch Movies, Surf the internet, And with the newest Update I can even Use Skype plus internet Radio... Hate too admit but i've jumped on the PSP wagon too. Don't get me wrong though My DS is still getting some love... It's just nothing that appealse to me right now.

Dritttoolegit said:
Got God or War yesterday actually... Anywho since i got a PSP lets just say mt DS has not been my best friend. Not only does the PSP have good games(DS has some Great games too) But i can listen to music, watch Movies, Surf the internet, And with the newest Update I can even Use Skype plus internet Radio... Hate too admit but i've jumped on the PSP wagon too. Don't get me wrong though My DS is still getting some love... It's just nothing that appealse to me right now.

Yeah I can understand that fully right now, and like yourself I am not deserting the DS but am simply moving onto greener pastures till a fresh crop of games come out. The DS since PHG has had very few notable titles. Although as I say earlier Ninja Gaiden DS is out on Jap import at the end of this month and Professor Layton is pretty cool and available also.

it is very disapointing how the DS seems to have been shunned over the Wii lately by Nintendo, we owners have no idea of what DS games Nintendo are working on, if any.

Yeah, just beat God of War; amazing game, that is. Not disappointing in the slightest.

Still have yet to try Patapon. I've got LocoRoco, and I loved that, though it got rather annoying at times.

Ridge Racer, Lumines, WipEout Pure, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops... those are good games.

Upcoming games... umm... Crisis Core: FFVII is coming, I know that... Gran Turismo has yet to show up, but it's coming...

I think there's another Twisted Metal game due for release, unless it's already out. I don't know, haven't picked up a new game since God of War's preorder yesterday.

Anyone know of any other good ones?

I Is Playing: SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL The only game I'll play for a long while.

NES said:
Yeah, just beat God of War; amazing game, that is. Not disappointing in the slightest.

Still have yet to try Patapon. I\'ve got LocoRoco, and I loved that, though it got rather annoying at times.

Ridge Racer, Lumines, WipEout Pure, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops... those are good games.

Upcoming games... umm... Crisis Core: FFVII is coming, I know that... Gran Turismo has yet to show up, but it\'s coming...

I think there\'s another Twisted Metal game due for release, unless it\'s already out. I don\'t know, haven\'t picked up a new game since God of War\'s preorder yesterday.

Anyone know of any other good ones?

I don\'t think there is actually a new Twisted Metal coming out for the PSP. I think it will now be a PSN download for PS3 owners, and then onto a PS3 game from them. Perhaps it may have connectivity?

I would definitely get Lumines, and Wipeout Pure which technically is amazing I think. Some also say it\'s the best Wipeout game ever, even if it does not have as great music as previous games. I would get MGS and Street Fighter Alpha 3.

Do you think that game will play better now because of the Slims new thumb pad?

Capcom released a thumb pad extention when they released the game in Japan but not in the west which is a bitch.

Crysis Core is the second game previewed-

Confirmed for US release March 25th!!!

( Edited 07.03.2008 07:03 by Linkyshinks )

I think I might have to find a preowned PSP or somthin because I really want crysis core, then I will install a PS1 emulator and make it my FF7 portable machnine.

Crisis Core just isn't Final Fantasy though, it's just masquerading under the name Smilie.

I would also recommend Metal Gear Acid 1 and 2, probably my favourites on the system.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

i can't say much on this subject because the only brands i have been able to ever afford were sega and nintendo...
I never have much money but good luck with your PsP thingy...

Get Metal Gear SolidSmilieortable Ops. Way much better than normal. Also, Daxter was, I think, pretty much overlooked but it is an amazing game, made by the people who made Chains of Olympus. Oh, and Final Fantasy Tactics

Linkyshinks said:

Do you think that game will play better now because of the Slims new thumb pad?

I've got one of the old PSPs, and only messed with a Slim once, so I wouldn't really know. Probably so, I'm guessing.

As far as Daxter goes, I heard really good things about it. Never got around to playing it, but I heard good reviews.

Metal Gear Ac!d, don't get unless you're into card battling systems (which I'm not).

I Is Playing: SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL The only game I'll play for a long while.

shiptoncraig said:
Crisis Core just isn\'t Final Fantasy though, it\'s just masquerading under the name Smilie.

I would also recommend Metal Gear Acid 1 and 2, probably my favourites on the system.

Aye probably but after watching a few youtube videos and hearing all the familiar bleeps, music and locations...well..i want Smilie, plus it\'s ment to be a decent game anyway, unlike that heap a crap dirge of cerberous.

( Edited 08.03.2008 02:32 by Blade2t3 )

It has got good gameplay by all accounts I have read and heard, so that alone is enough for me. I don\'t see any problems if that\'s true.

Great voice acting, good cut scenes, action-ized gameplay, I want.

( Edited 16.07.2008 10:58 by Linkyshinks )

I wouldn't mind getting a PSP right now, all the SRPG goodness such as FFT, Disgaea and many others.

I would also recommend people against Daxter, it's a repetitive by the books platformer with nice graphics.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

If your looking for xome decent RPGs I would recomend Valkyre Proflie, one of the best RPGs I have played in years.

I would reccomend Monster Hunter Freedom 2, it's not awesome but it's deep and memorable encounters with the wyverns and dragons make it a worthwhile purchase.

PSN ID: Karnic
Online PS3 Games: Warhawk, Motorstorm, Burnout Paradise and UT3.
Best Hack n' Slash game ever? MediEvil! Check it out

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