PSP Gaming Thread

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Jim (guest) said:
Should rename it PSP Gaming Dead.

Very funny. Smilie
On a completely unrelated note, you're very active for a guest. Get a C3 account? Please? Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well, feel free to call me a hypocrite, as despite me lamenting the PSP hardware at every turn, I've just gone and bought one online.

Why, aside from the great catalogue of games and the chance for FF7 on the go, you may ask? Well winston, it's because this particular 2000 unit will solve my two key issues with PSPs, battery life and game portability. Thanks to Custom Firmware, I'll be able to move UMD data onto a memory stick and play it from there, thereby eliminating the need to carry UMDs and thus saving battery power from the unit not having to read discs. Smilie

So, quick question. Recommendations please? Birth by Sleep is a given, as is Dissidia II, as that looks like really more of the first game.

Indeed, the main reason I got my PSP was for custom firmware; the ability to play PS1, GBA, SNES games and the rest of it was just too good to resist.

Crisis Core FFVII should be played seeing as you're an FF fan. There are a few other good games too, like Metal Gear Solid, Valkyria Chronicles, Persona 3, Monster Hunter, FF Tactics. Depends what you're into I guess, but I mainly play my PSP for the non-PSP games.

Currently playing through Vagrant Story properly, having just gotten to the end of FF7 in a 100% run. I'm trying to take the time to go through the PS1 games I never managed to play or beat as a kid. And I want to do FF5 and 6 Advance soon too.

So you've got a big selection to choose from if you open yourself up to GBA, PS1, etc. But I can't recall too many brilliant PSP-only games personally.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention I still have Crisis Core from when I had a PSP previously. Smilie

I'll probably get Portable Ops and Peace Walker eventually, and probably Persona 3.

PSP games are generally region free right? There have been a fair few Japanese games that have caught my eye over the years, so I might invest in a few. Smilie

( Edited 26.09.2010 16:00 by Phoenixus )

Yep, region free, so no worries there. Might well be worth getting a few import games Smilie

By the way, I just remembered that BbS requires an update to play.

I mean I don't know much about Custom Firmware, does it allow loopholes in mandatory updates?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yup, I've already looked into that area. Smilie

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

The Playstation Portable is getting a port of BlazBlue Continuum Shift II.

The port is due out "this spring", and will include new scenarios, network mode, and "Abyss Mode" (I assume this is where you fight the last boss from MvC2 repeatedly). The VS mode will allow four players to connect and rotate. Two will view while two watch. I

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

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