Banned for going to BURNING PERSON.
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Banned for going to BURNING PERSON.
I banned my self, THERE now this madness can stop
( Edited 25.07.2008 06:48 by Ike )In that case, you are double banned. And you don't have the last post either. Generally, it sucks to be you.
Let the madness continue... if any of ye be man enough to ban me?
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
I am. You are banned.
Banned cos bluerocks is leaving and isn't man enough to ask, are you man enough?
lol wut
Banned since seriousness>carelessness
Banned because no one else has the Bawls to.
Banned for having bigger bawls than most others. Not me tho. Mine iz bigest.
Banned because bigger is not better in terms of Bawls. The bottles taste much better than the cans, even though they have half as much in them.
Banned for Brawls with Bawls.
Banned cos I make no sense.
Banned because it's late and I have nothing better to do....
Banned because he could watch TV and have a couple of brews.
Banned because this is still fun, right?
No, it's not.
You're banned.
Banned for not having fun. You should try knitting while posting. Man doing multi-tasking = hilarity.
Banned because sometimes, I wonder if you're in the right state of mind.
banned cause you are in the right state of mind and im not
( Edited 04.08.2008 05:31 by Ike )Banned. You don't know how to parrrrrrrrrrrrrty!