Stulaw said:
Dislexic sheep go aab, and dislexic pigs go niok.nabned
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Stulaw said:
Dislexic sheep go aab, and dislexic pigs go niok.nabned
Pointfex is banned for not listening to gabba.
.draobyek ym pu dessem eh esuaceb dennab si zrekieZ
Banned for having a messed up keyboard.
Banned for messing his keyboard with a constant head always getting in the way of him typing.
IanC is banned because I wanted to ban mOojc but you got in the way.
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
Banned because she was asking for it.
Banned for having a cow, man.
Banned for giving M. Jackson goosebumps.
Bart is banned because the iPhone 3G is coming out!
Banned for telling me telephone news. If there's one thing I am not interested in...
Banned for not wanting to know that Rogers Wireless here in Canada is charging an arm and two legs, three ribs and a kidney for the iPhone.
The iPhone has not been released here previously.
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
BlueRocks is banned because Apple is further ruining the culture of whatever country they go to.
( Edited 10.07.2008 19:19 by Ziekerz )Banned for hanging all over my ass. Three minutes between my post and banning me?
Any closer and we would be on a first name basis, if you know what I mean.
btw, my first name is Blue.
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
BlueRocks is banned, if you know what I mean.
Banned for guest-appearing on Yo-Gabba-Gabba.
Banned for making a not so funny comment, yet making me laugh.
( Edited 11.07.2008 12:34 by Stulaw )Banned because Yo-Gabba-Gabba is regularly featured on one of my favorite shows: The Soup.
Banned because i didn't understand one word you said
Banned because I agree with you.
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
PK is banned because it does.
Banned because I can't see it. Crap, my work firewall is. I think it actually wants me to do some. Work, that is.
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.
Banned. For alcoholic influenced reasons.
Banned for not being Paraletic yet.