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A full, complete game on a disc sounds awesome...

Our member of the week

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Awesome Super Mario Bros. comic that I just have to share.

Crazy bitch alert! Well worth listening to!

Haven't been here for a while! Just stopped by to say that Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a WONDERFUL game, and that anyone who's been a fan of Phoenix Wright should most definitely get it.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

PK Mongoose said:
Haven't been here for a while! Just stopped by to say that Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a WONDERFUL game, and that anyone who's been a fan of Phoenix Wright should most definitely get it.

Seconded. Now it's on the Apps store more people can enjoy it. ^^


I'd fight for this guy any day.

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Behold a joe with cotton eyes and a crossbow:


Aww yeah!


It's Ridley Scott, director of Alien revisiting the Universe of the series. It was originally going to be a prequel, but changed to be loosely related. However going by the trailers/virals it could be more related than he's letting on

Of course, they could just be dicking around and teasing everyone with the parallels and references

( Edited 21.03.2012 21:56 by Lrrr )

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I dread the day when this will become reality for me as well since I'm currently still in the left half for the most part. Speaking of that...that facial expression is accurate...too accurate. Smilie

For explanation

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SirLink, gets it. Smilie

( Edited 26.03.2012 20:08 by Marzy )

Pure comedy! Smilie

Gotta love april fools day. ^^

( Edited 02.04.2012 20:28 by Phoenixus )

SirLink said:
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I dread the day when this will become reality for me as well since I'm currently still in the left half for the most part. Speaking of that...that facial expression is accurate...too accurate. Smilie

Oh god it's me
look at what I've become

hides face in shame v-v

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
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Saw this in Star Ocean: The Last Hope the other day and just had to take a (crappy) picture with my 3DS of it. Pretty awesome reference. Smilie

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Female version of me?... Got it.

( Edited 06.04.2012 22:22 by Marzy )

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Kick ass song, and looks awesome.


Slower version


( Edited 24.04.2012 12:52 by wolfy )


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