Too bad YOUUUUU... will die !
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Too bad YOUUUUU... will die !
Haha, I can't believe some of those, I remember watching Showdown in Little Tokyo when Brandon Lee said that bit aat 8.15, me and my brother where like WTF.
Also, "It's a Pressure Valve, it won't open unless there's tremendous pressure".
Fucking hilarious, even though I probably still miss out on a lot of references/jokes. Final Fantasy fans should probably get some more laughs out of this.
That was actually pretty good.
This is hilarious.
Ahhh jesus, I literally lol'd through that.
Busquets! No surprises there.
Reminds me of QWOP.
Ah this thread is still here
Greetings from Unova.
( Edited 20.09.2011 16:30 by SuperLink )
Want to watch Madoka all over again, but I will be in a state of depression for the next 30 years if I do. So I am never watching it again. Plus I win. (Not sure if this counts as nooby, but what the hey, its fun)
This thread has slowed down a lot since last year, what ever happened to getting this thread to over 9000 posts?
Anyways here's a vid that Mario fans will enjoy, it's celebrating Mario's 30th anniversary. It's pretty long though but really awesome. It'll make you cum bucket loads of nostalgia if you grew up playing these games:
Wish I could sit and watch the whole thing XD Mario World and Mario 3 have the best Mario music, love it.
On a slightly unrelated note, what are some of the best movie soundtracks? I want people to share some kick ass movie themes. I was thinking of making a movie music thread but didn't think it'd be popular so might as well abuse this thread instead.
Anyway, I discovered this one recently:
It takes a while to kick in, but when it hits 2:30, and then 3:00, it's so awesome. It's best if you let it play all the way through though, to really get a feel for it. You can just feel it building. Like, perfect gym music or something XD I haven't even seen the movie XD I love old school movie soundtracks like that though, and it's a shame you don't hear them anymore. If anyone knows ones like this, do share.
( Edited 26.09.2011 02:27 by Azuardo )
Two can play at that game...
I feel like this is the best one ok
And for those of you currently working retail, here is how to handle Nintendo customers circa the year I was born...
Nerds remember, Its always the e-prom.
( Edited 28.09.2011 22:08 by Duggler657 )
Well if the last post wins, this should be the perfect place for me to shamelessly plug Do a Barrel Roll!'s debut album, "Thunderous Crash."
Find 'em on VideoGameBand.com, and have a listen:
Heh... hehehe.... hahaha... hohohohohahahahaha....
LKR000 said:
lol, I'm ashamed to say that I got the My little Pony reference. XD
He looks awesome but why are they releasing the updated version of this game so soon? The original just came out in February, hasn't even been a year yet. >_< The again this is Capcom we're talking about.