Best ever on any console or does it not exsist?
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Best ever on any console or does it not exsist?
Ermmmmm there are a few good ones I must admit. I think the reason why no-ones replying is because its a very difficult question to decide on an answer. You're talking about such a long time-period as well, different games are good for different reasons.
Well, I don't like having to pick some of my favourite games over others, but, if I had to be persuaded I think I would go to Super Street Fighter (the whole series) on the SNES and mega drive just because it is such a fast, and deep fighting game that still rocks even today.
Two of the best would have to be the Metal Gear games on the NES. Also Radiant Silvergun on the Saturn, and a very underrated Playstation fighting game from Capcom called Rival Schools. Which combines the over the top gameplay of Capcoms 2D fighting games but with 3D graphics, it was a fabulous game.
By the way, speaking of retro, I currently have Metal Gear (NES) and Metal Gear 2/Snakes Revenge (NES) up on Ebay!! They are both currently at
Oh by the way, the reason I am selling them is because I just managed to find them basically mint condition, fully boxed and everything. So I'm just selling off my old unboxed ones and keeping the mint ones! But they are tested and working, and there's a pic on the auctions, so check it out NES fans!
Ikari Warriors by SNK, just a great game, fast and furious two player mayhem. I have a lot of nostalgia attached to this game(hence my user name) i must have spent
Battle toads!! Best game ever!!
I think Enix or Squaresoft on the SNES did it for me the most. It's kind of a tie between:
Chrono Trigger and Terranigma.