These aren't up on gamespress at all, so hopefully we'll get different ones in europe.
BW2 one isn't too bad, but compared to the original it's lame.
Renders should never be used for box art, ever.
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These aren't up on gamespress at all, so hopefully we'll get different ones in europe.
BW2 one isn't too bad, but compared to the original it's lame.
Renders should never be used for box art, ever.
Yay battalion wars , I actually think it's better than the first games cover which had the oddly drawn soilders and was overly orange.
I like BWii it looks cool! But MP3 looks crap...
Both look awesome. I like BWii better than BW.
Too orange! Obvious outer glow is orange too!
( Edited on 29.06.2007 19:00 by Grumbler )
I like the American Battalion Wars boxart better than the orange one:
The new one is alright...seems a little too busy.
The logo is fine but the art or their lack of it is a shame on the BWii2 cover. [LS]
Wow! I thinkg both look awesome. Oh, man. I can't wait for these games. lol Must. Have. NOW!
Jacob4000 said:
I like the American Battalion Wars boxart better than the orange one:The new one is alright...seems a little too busy.
Prefer the European one much better (minus all the crappy logos), man that MP one looks god awful.
( Edited on 29.06.2007 20:52 by Lysander )
The BWii boxart is quite nice, there is a bit too much going on in it though.
The MP3 is just down right shite.
( Edited on 29.06.2007 22:48 by Co Chief Resident John Dorian )
Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
The BWii boxart is quite nice, there is a bit too much going on in it though.The MP3 is just down right shite.( Edited on 29.06.2007 22:48 by Co Chief Resident John Dorian )
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
For box art, I think they both look fine.
Your taste in boxart doesn't bode well for your AI programming
But seriously I love you.
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
So I guess I was online for Metroid?? I don't see the logo on it but there's one on the BWii.
Grumbler said:
Much better.
Battalion Wars 2 one isn't too bad, but the MP3 one really is one of the worst box arts ever... It might be alright-ish if it didn't have Samus and a random shadow of samus in front of that planet...
I don't get why the BW2 box has to say BWii AND Battalion Wars 2 though. They're supposed to mean the same thing
Not too impressed... hopefully these are the bland American ones