Grr. Bump. (Sorry
I finished the game last night, so yay, impressions time. Most of you with the game probably haven't gotten that far, so I'll use spoilers when needed.
If you haven't finished the game, please don't click the spoilers, or you're an idiot.
Alright, I'm both impressed and disappointed. While I wasn't expecting it to be like the old Ace Attorney games, it was quite a lot like them, minus the court cases. Unfortunately despite the cases being well thought out, they're just not as exciting as those from the other games, and there seem to be very few "edge of seat" moments.
The final case, imo, doesn't even begin to compare to Turnabout Goodbyes - Rise From The Ashes - Farewell, My Turnabout - Bridge To The Turnabout - or even Turnabout Succession in terms of how exciting things can get. Case 5 spoilers:
Also, the conclusion really drags on and on and on, it seems a bit artificial and almost like an "imitation" of the other games' epic moments
AAI also reuses a disappointing amount of plot elements and ideas from other games in the series, they might be references, but when it comes to your game's plot, references aren't the best way to fill it up. The whole game reaks of Masque DeMask with the whole thief thing going on Case 4 and 5 spoilers:
and the last couple of cases give us a Dahlia-alike as well as a Deus Ex Machina style "mastermind"
. Also
Case 4 spoilers:I refuse to believe that with key words like "Faraday" and "Yatagarasu", Edgeworth still can't remember who Kay was in Case 3, especially since that case clearly made an impression on him and Franziska. An impression we never heard about in AA1 through 3. He must have an awful memory.
That said, I did really like the new main characters introduced in AAI. Unlike past assistants, Kay has no problem with being genuinely helpful, Lang is a cool guy, and other characters like Shih-na, Yew and Badd were very well done too. Except for Yew's laughing which I found to be a bit of a forced character trait.... I'd really like some of these characters to appear again, and some even show signs of being in future games, be in spin off or mainseries.
Lastly the cameo roles from familiar characters. There are a lot of them, and unfortunately I think the writers went out of their way to include some of them, that just didn't fit in. Case 3 spoilers:
Ema for example. She got the best of 10 minutes screentime, doesn't really do much, and suddenly gets called to help Lang, and then is never heard from again for the rest of the case.
AAI is a very awesome imitation, it doesn't feel canon, but hopefully its events will be recognised in future AA titles which will rectify its importance in some ways. For me, as awesome as it was, I didn't feel glued to my DS as often as I had been with previous titles. It just felt more like an appetiser. D:
tl;dr awesome game, but not exactly AA standard.
EDIT Oh and how could I forget, the sprite animations aren't anywhere near AJ quality, and lack of any CGI cutscenes or investigating things like luminol, footprints, or rearranging crime scenes, all gone. This game would have worked nicely enough on the GBA, the music and sprite quality is all that tells me this is a DS game.
( Edited 26.02.2010 11:12 by Lyra )