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You can also hook up with hot Nintendo honiz in your area this way.
So will there be a WiFi hub for every online Wii game now?
Anyway, really want the game, am forcing myself to wait for exams to finish too, also I have more than enough games to play as it is...
Superlink said:
So will there be a WiFi hub for every online Wii game now?Anyway, really want the game, am forcing myself to wait for exams to finish too, also I have more than enough games to play as it is...
Aye, there can be major hubs that'll eventually grow depending on how you guys use it/what's needed
Oh wowz! You're gonna need a lot of space for that then, 'cos the Wii has gone online faster than DS, & already DS games are being sold with half of them online capable
It's actually lot that bad when you think about it that way. I'm sure the Wii's online service & selection of games will be great eventually.
A lot of space for a probably <20kb php page? Mmmmm no >_>
If it gets big, can use a sole php page that connects to a "noticeboard" database with text for each hub.
knighty said:Well forgive me for not knowing how to program a website
A lot of space for a probably _> 20kb php page? Mmmmm no >_>
( Edited on 25.05.2007 23:04 by SuperLink )
oh ok well ill kick this off, who wants a game? my wii code is there..i have the game, is my friend code the same as my wii code if not ill go get it when somebody wants a game.