I just thought I'd see what people thought of the game before I bought it; pro's and cons etc. I probably won't use its multiplayer much.
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I just thought I'd see what people thought of the game before I bought it; pro's and cons etc. I probably won't use its multiplayer much.
The single player is shite imo, and the multiplayer is only fun until you realise how little options there are.
It's dull. Dull, dull, dull. The controls are awkward to me as well, especially on the Lite where there isn't a thumbstrap. Multiplayer offers a bit of fun but not much and the single player is tedious to say the least. Avoid.
It all depends if you are going to play multiplayer much and if you have someone to play with.
Since you said you won't play multiplayer much, I'd leave it and get something else. I enjoyed it personally.
( Edited on 16.04.2007 21:15 by shiptoncraig )
I know I am in minority here, but I enjoyed the game a lot. The single player is far from perfect, but solid, and when considering the platform the game is on, the multiplayer is flat out impressive.
However, if you won't be using the multiplayer much, I wouldn't recommend it. It's the multiplayer that makes this game shine.
Jacob4000 said:
I know I am in minority here, but I enjoyed the game a lot. The single player is far from perfect, but solid, and when considering the platform the game is on, the multiplayer is flat out impressive.However, if you wont be using the multiplayer much, I wouldnt recommend it. Its the multiplayer that makes this game shine.
I agree:
+Fantasic Multiplayer (But that won't apply to you)
+fantastic visuls for a DS game
+Story mode is solid and enjoyable
+the scan visor makes yu hunt for everything
-Boss battles are shit
-Multiplayer can be reptative with out a friends list so you can have diffrent modes
-Alt spammers are annoying
( Edited on 16.04.2007 21:43 by Sabot )
Things I didn't like
Getting lost on Single player
Getting completely owned online
Controls make you hand and neck really hurt.
Good things
Graphics = top
Good soundtrack
Single is solid though
This is quite cheap now, it was
I found the control scheme really easy to pick up.....
and i loved the game - i played death matches against CPUs loads of times until i managed to get a wireless router, and yes boss battles spoil it, but i really enjoyed the game.
good game but the single player is crap, you have to fight the same 3 bosses over and over again
only worth getting if your looking for a multiplayer which you're not
It lacks the actual storyline of the Metroid Prime Series, seems like a pathetic excuse to do a game that reflexes a multiplayer gaming that couldn't offer Echoes (second launch of the Prime Series).
For me, it's a lineal game; doesn't offer much despite the wi-fi connection and hunting other players.
I'm also a big fan of Metroid games, so its kinda hard to rate this game this hard. Now, I'm just waiting for Metroid Prime Corruption, and see if its worth so much waiting
The only reason I kept hold of it was 'cause it looked pretty. Which is a really bad reason to keep a game. Get Animal Crossing.
I would agree with what most people have said - namely, that the multiplayer is great fun as long as everyone is of equal ability, but the single player is nothing to write home about.
I love him.