Pics of You #3

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Oh yes. i'll post a picture of me even more dragged up soon, got two fancy dress parties coming up Smilie

Anything for a laugh lol

[thelaserguidedhat :casual poster : cubed3 resident veggie]

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Why was this thread randomly moved Smilie

I dear god, avoid post178, it will make your eyes sting Smilie

Doesn't, matter it has been changed back.

( Edited on 21.03.2007 17:23 by Co )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Hahaha @ Faust. Almost doesn't count Smilie

Hahaha OH SNAP @ Laser hahahaha.

I can't knock him - there are pictures of me in a dress on the internet too.

Eh, sometimes my friends - ya just got to get in a dress and hope for the best.


( Edited on 21.03.2007 19:23 by MistaSergio )

Rooolllll OUT!
Whos space?! MY SPACE!!
Currently Playing: MKart Wii|CoD 4 [S/N:MistaSergio]|GTA IV
!Wii Rocker!

Faust said:
MistaSergio said:haha ^^ i knew someone would spot that.
Seeing Im 50% black(LOL), would it insult you if I said Wazzup nig?, leaving out half of the word? SmilieAnd looking very nice there, gfSmilieWonder whats in the cage behind you... Is it... a wolf?!Smilie(just kidding)( Edited on 21.03.2007 17:05 by Faust )

I am white so can i call you whitey, Smilie

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

that was the least revealing picture, theres one of me in a tutu with far more leg out than the human eye should ever see Smilie

but I'm getting a second hand one today for a fancy dress party, then eyeliner and lipstick to really make me look stunnging hehe

[thelaserguidedhat :casual poster : cubed3 resident veggie]

Co-Chief Resident John Dorian said:
Faust said:
MistaSergio said:haha ^^ i knew someone would spot that.
Seeing Im 50% black(LOL), would it insult you if I said Wazzup nig?, leaving out half of the word? SmilieAnd looking very nice there, gfSmilieWonder whats in the cage behind you... Is it... a wolf?!Smilie(just kidding)( Edited on 21.03.2007 17:05 by Faust )
I am white so can i call you whitey, Smilie

Sure. I'm actually very pale.. Well, not very, but I'm quite light. Could be because I hardly go outSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Get out more it's good for you, only go home to play videogames, and other things less important. LS

Here's a rather...happy picture of me recently in the early hours of the morn!

I'm with a teenage mutant ninja turtle therefore I winSmilie


Linkyshinks said:
Get out more its good for you, only go home to play videogames, and other things less important. LS

Get out more so I can get bullied right back in again? No, thanks, I prefer home sweet homeSmilie.

Seriously, my neighbourhood is SHIT. It almost has the highest concentration of shitty Maroccans in the entire city. (Read properly; I said SHITTY Maroccans, I am NOT claiming all Maroccan people are shitty, just that the ones living here are mostly shitty. I actually have several Maroccan friends. Most of them are shitty though, in my neighbourhood.) (And before calling me judgmental, I actually know almost all of them, so I speak from experience, and I am judging them on their behaviour towards me.)Smilie

And nice pic, Sue. Who's the turtle? Doesn't look like yo' man to me... Smilie

( Edited on 26.03.2007 16:34 by Faust )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
Image for

Im the one sitting down with the alcomahol is ma hand...great party that was Smilie

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

Ok - so I'm back cuz where I hosted the first pics are sucking ding dong right now -- so photobucket it is!

Me and my homie Ingrid!

My homie Jen and I at a formal classy and trashy party (dress classy - get trashy!)

Ah yes - posing with cute ladies - check!

Making bad gestures around cute ladies - check!

Image that I don't remember taking/don't remember where it was taken - check!

Ok - im done for now! haha.

( Edited on 26.03.2007 18:23 by MistaSergio )

( Edited on 26.03.2007 18:23 by MistaSergio )

Rooolllll OUT!
Whos space?! MY SPACE!!
Currently Playing: MKart Wii|CoD 4 [S/N:MistaSergio]|GTA IV
!Wii Rocker!

Do you ONLY know women? Smilie

And nice pic, Sue. Who's the turtle? Doesn't look like yo' man to me...

I'm the man with the Camera Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

stucorbs said:
Do you ONLY know women? Smilie

haha - Smilie Not too many pictures with me and the fellas - but thats cuz we don't take pictures - GIRLS take most of the pictures.

ha - makes me look like a man-whore or something. haha.

Rooolllll OUT!
Whos space?! MY SPACE!!
Currently Playing: MKart Wii|CoD 4 [S/N:MistaSergio]|GTA IV
!Wii Rocker!

jb said:
And nice pic, Sue. Whos the turtle? Doesnt look like yo man to me...
Im the man with the Camera Smilie

That's what they ALL say...Smilie

MistaSergio said:
stucorbs said:Do you ONLY know women? Smilie
haha - Smilie Not too many pictures with me and the fellas - but thats cuz we dont take pictures - GIRLS take most of the pictures.ha - makes me look like a man-whore or something. haha.

There's nothing wrong with being a man-whore, just look at Rob Schneider.

On second thought, don't. Bad! Bad man-whore!Smilie

( Edited on 26.03.2007 20:09 by Faust )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~


I don't think I can pull off the Rob Schneider thing too well - haha.

I'm gunna need a lot of work to get there.

Just isn't worth it. haha.

Rooolllll OUT!
Whos space?! MY SPACE!!
Currently Playing: MKart Wii|CoD 4 [S/N:MistaSergio]|GTA IV
!Wii Rocker!
Image for


( Edited on 16.05.2007 00:19 by Milk! )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Faust said:
Linkyshinks said:Get out more its good for you, only go home to play videogames, and other things less important. LS
Get out more so I can get bullied right back in again? No, thanks, I prefer home sweet homeSmilie.Seriously, my neighbourhood is SHIT. It almost has the highest concentration of shitty Maroccans in the entire city. (Read properly; I said SHITTY Maroccans, I am NOT claiming all Maroccan people are shitty, just that the ones living here are mostly shitty. I actually have several Maroccan friends. Most of them are shitty though, in my neighbourhood.) (And before calling me judgmental, I actually know almost all of them, so I speak from experience, and I am judging them on their behaviour towards me.)SmilieAnd nice pic, Sue. Whos the turtle? Doesnt look like yo man to me... :bentSmilie Edited on 26.03.2007 16:34 by Faust )

Do you live in London, in Ladbroke Grove? Smilie, there are loads of morrocans that live there (not far from where i live), i myself have a few morrocan friends and some of them are cool, but others are not so, but you should not cast a shadow on a creed of people based on the small amount you know.

Pika Pi-ka, you look cute Smilie, but i bet you cannot type a hundred words a minute!, im a sucker for the whole black rimmed glasses secretary thing, thing. Smilie

MistaSergio - clever Smilie, seriously, i myself have a large amount of female friends, although i give a strictly Hetro sho in life, for some reason women misread my infeminate charms-(one being my fondness for floral shirts as shown above lol)- as me being gay, this means i get a front row seat in the most of their conversations concerning sexual practises- disgustingly graphic!, i have heard some shocking things, and i am a broad minded Artist, female conversation around sex is far worse than most men can muster. LS

( Edited on 01.04.2007 13:29 by Linkyshinks )

hahaah ^^ WORD! women have some s-hocking things come out their mouth. Maybe its because they're more detail-based when telling a story.

I think Dave Chappelle said it best --
Men tell stories - its "Who,What,When,Where,Why - and sometimes How" haha.

Women will go all out and CGI-it inside your mind what happen --

Like taking a dump --
Guys: "I got to go drop the cosby kids off at the pool"
Girls: "It was a minor tug and pull with every push but after a while - little broken pieces of my brown and lightly tinted green waste products hit the water - sometimes causing it to splash back up into my anal."


Rooolllll OUT!
Whos space?! MY SPACE!!
Currently Playing: MKart Wii|CoD 4 [S/N:MistaSergio]|GTA IV
!Wii Rocker!

Just a another photo of me....

Image for

Linkyshinks said:
Faust said:
Linkyshinks said:Get out more its good for you, only go home to play videogames, and other things less important. LS
Get out more so I can get bullied right back in again? No, thanks, I prefer home sweet homeSmilie.Seriously, my neighbourhood is SHIT. It almost has the highest concentration of shitty Maroccans in the entire city. (Read properly; I said SHITTY Maroccans, I am NOT claiming all Maroccan people are shitty, just that the ones living here are mostly shitty. I actually have several Maroccan friends. Most of them are shitty though, in my neighbourhood.) (And before calling me judgmental, I actually know almost all of them, so I speak from experience, and I am judging them on their behaviour towards me.)SmilieAnd nice pic, Sue. Whos the turtle? Doesnt look like yo man to me... :bentSmilie Edited on 26.03.2007 16:34 by Faust )
FaustSmilieo you live in London, in Ladbroke Grove? Smilie, there are loads of morrocans that live there (not far from where i live), i myself have a few morrocan friends and some of them are cool, but others are not so, but you should not cast a shadow on a creed of people based on the small amount you know

I'm Dutch, so no, I don't live thereSmilie. I said I'm not judging all Marrocan people, I said the SHITTY Marrocans, not that all Marrocans are shite, as I explained beforeSmilie
I thought I already cleared that up, so please read through again so you don't misunderstand what I said. I have several Marrocan friends myself, but not much, because most of the ones I know are just pricks, and basically, their personalities really DON't click with mine AT ALL, heh

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Now i did understand what you wrote, i was just affirming it. LS

Yeah, I don't think anyone on C3 has ever seen a picture of me before... so yeah.

( Edited on 09.04.2007 17:42 by Z )


Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

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