Oh yes. i'll post a picture of me even more dragged up soon, got two fancy dress parties coming up
Anything for a laugh lol
[thelaserguidedhat :casual poster : cubed3 resident veggie]
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Oh yes. i'll post a picture of me even more dragged up soon, got two fancy dress parties coming up
Anything for a laugh lol
Why was this thread randomly moved
I dear god, avoid post178, it will make your eyes sting
Doesn't, matter it has been changed back.
( Edited on 21.03.2007 17:23 by Co )
Hahaha @ Faust. Almost doesn't count
Hahaha OH SNAP @ Laser hahahaha.
I can't knock him - there are pictures of me in a dress on the internet too.
Eh, sometimes my friends - ya just got to get in a dress and hope for the best.
( Edited on 21.03.2007 19:23 by MistaSergio )
Faust said:MistaSergio said:haha ^^ i knew someone would spot that.Seeing Im 50% black(LOL), would it insult you if I said Wazzup nig?, leaving out half of the word?And looking very nice there, gf
Wonder whats in the cage behind you... Is it... a wolf?!
(just kidding)( Edited on 21.03.2007 17:05 by Faust )
I am white so can i call you whitey,
that was the least revealing picture, theres one of me in a tutu with far more leg out than the human eye should ever see
but I'm getting a second hand one today for a fancy dress party, then eyeliner and lipstick to really make me look stunnging hehe
Co-Chief Resident John Dorian said:Faust said:I am white so can i call you whitey,MistaSergio said:haha ^^ i knew someone would spot that.Seeing Im 50% black(LOL), would it insult you if I said Wazzup nig?, leaving out half of the word?And looking very nice there, gf
Wonder whats in the cage behind you... Is it... a wolf?!
(just kidding)( Edited on 21.03.2007 17:05 by Faust )
Sure. I'm actually very pale.. Well, not very, but I'm quite light. Could be because I hardly go out
Get out more it's good for you, only go home to play videogames, and other things less important. LS
Here's a rather...happy picture of me recently in the early hours of the morn!
I'm with a teenage mutant ninja turtle therefore I win
Linkyshinks said:
Get out more its good for you, only go home to play videogames, and other things less important. LS
Get out more so I can get bullied right back in again? No, thanks, I prefer home sweet home.
Seriously, my neighbourhood is SHIT. It almost has the highest concentration of shitty Maroccans in the entire city. (Read properly; I said SHITTY Maroccans, I am NOT claiming all Maroccan people are shitty, just that the ones living here are mostly shitty. I actually have several Maroccan friends. Most of them are shitty though, in my neighbourhood.) (And before calling me judgmental, I actually know almost all of them, so I speak from experience, and I am judging them on their behaviour towards me.)
And nice pic, Sue. Who's the turtle? Doesn't look like yo' man to me...
( Edited on 26.03.2007 16:34 by Faust )
Im the one sitting down with the alcomahol is ma hand...great party that was
Ok - so I'm back cuz where I hosted the first pics are sucking ding dong right now -- so photobucket it is!
Me and my homie Ingrid!
My homie Jen and I at a formal classy and trashy party (dress classy - get trashy!)
Ah yes - posing with cute ladies - check!
Making bad gestures around cute ladies - check!
Image that I don't remember taking/don't remember where it was taken - check!
Ok - im done for now! haha.
( Edited on 26.03.2007 18:23 by MistaSergio )
( Edited on 26.03.2007 18:23 by MistaSergio )
Do you ONLY know women?
And nice pic, Sue. Who's the turtle? Doesn't look like yo' man to me...
I'm the man with the Camera
stucorbs said:
Do you ONLY know women?
haha - Not too many pictures with me and the fellas - but thats cuz we don't take pictures - GIRLS take most of the pictures.
ha - makes me look like a man-whore or something. haha.
jb said:And nice pic, Sue. Whos the turtle? Doesnt look like yo man to me...Im the man with the Camera
That's what they ALL say...
MistaSergio said:stucorbs said:Do you ONLY know women?haha -Not too many pictures with me and the fellas - but thats cuz we dont take pictures - GIRLS take most of the pictures.ha - makes me look like a man-whore or something. haha.
There's nothing wrong with being a man-whore, just look at Rob Schneider.
On second thought, don't. Bad! Bad man-whore!
( Edited on 26.03.2007 20:09 by Faust )
I don't think I can pull off the Rob Schneider thing too well - haha.
I'm gunna need a lot of work to get there.
Just isn't worth it. haha.
( Edited on 16.05.2007 00:19 by Milk! )
Faust said:Linkyshinks said:Get out more its good for you, only go home to play videogames, and other things less important. LSGet out more so I can get bullied right back in again? No, thanks, I prefer home sweet home.Seriously, my neighbourhood is SHIT. It almost has the highest concentration of shitty Maroccans in the entire city. (Read properly; I said SHITTY Maroccans, I am NOT claiming all Maroccan people are shitty, just that the ones living here are mostly shitty. I actually have several Maroccan friends. Most of them are shitty though, in my neighbourhood.) (And before calling me judgmental, I actually know almost all of them, so I speak from experience, and I am judging them on their behaviour towards me.)
And nice pic, Sue. Whos the turtle? Doesnt look like yo man to me... :bent
Edited on 26.03.2007 16:34 by Faust )
Do you live in London, in Ladbroke Grove? , there are loads of morrocans that live there (not far from where i live), i myself have a few morrocan friends and some of them are cool, but others are not so, but you should not cast a shadow on a creed of people based on the small amount you know.
Pika Pi-ka, you look cute , but i bet you cannot type a hundred words a minute!, im a sucker for the whole black rimmed glasses secretary thing, thing.
MistaSergio - clever , seriously, i myself have a large amount of female friends, although i give a strictly Hetro sho in life, for some reason women misread my infeminate charms-(one being my fondness for floral shirts as shown above lol)- as me being gay, this means i get a front row seat in the most of their conversations concerning sexual practises- disgustingly graphic!, i have heard some shocking things, and i am a broad minded Artist, female conversation around sex is far worse than most men can muster. LS
( Edited on 01.04.2007 13:29 by Linkyshinks )
hahaah ^^ WORD! women have some s-hocking things come out their mouth. Maybe its because they're more detail-based when telling a story.
I think Dave Chappelle said it best --
Men tell stories - its "Who,What,When,Where,Why - and sometimes How" haha.
Women will go all out and CGI-it inside your mind what happen --
Like taking a dump --
Guys: "I got to go drop the cosby kids off at the pool"
Girls: "It was a minor tug and pull with every push but after a while - little broken pieces of my brown and lightly tinted green waste products hit the water - sometimes causing it to splash back up into my anal."
Just a another photo of me....
Linkyshinks said:Faust said:FaustLinkyshinks said:Get out more its good for you, only go home to play videogames, and other things less important. LSGet out more so I can get bullied right back in again? No, thanks, I prefer home sweet home.Seriously, my neighbourhood is SHIT. It almost has the highest concentration of shitty Maroccans in the entire city. (Read properly; I said SHITTY Maroccans, I am NOT claiming all Maroccan people are shitty, just that the ones living here are mostly shitty. I actually have several Maroccan friends. Most of them are shitty though, in my neighbourhood.) (And before calling me judgmental, I actually know almost all of them, so I speak from experience, and I am judging them on their behaviour towards me.)
And nice pic, Sue. Whos the turtle? Doesnt look like yo man to me... :bent
Edited on 26.03.2007 16:34 by Faust )
o you live in London, in Ladbroke Grove?
, there are loads of morrocans that live there (not far from where i live), i myself have a few morrocan friends and some of them are cool, but others are not so, but you should not cast a shadow on a creed of people based on the small amount you know
I'm Dutch, so no, I don't live there. I said I'm not judging all Marrocan people, I said the SHITTY Marrocans, not that all Marrocans are shite, as I explained before
I thought I already cleared that up, so please read through again so you don't misunderstand what I said. I have several Marrocan friends myself, but not much, because most of the ones I know are just pricks, and basically, their personalities really DON't click with mine AT ALL, heh
Now i did understand what you wrote, i was just affirming it. LS
Yeah, I don't think anyone on C3 has ever seen a picture of me before... so yeah.
( Edited on 09.04.2007 17:42 by Z )