awsome picture, you deserve a star!! guy with the muf!
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awsome picture, you deserve a star!! guy with the muf!
I hate being in photos. This is the only time I'm putting my face on the internet.
You are such an aussie Kangaroo Kid
Here's a clear and real recent one of me.
For such a Metroid series hater Marzy, that's a nice picture of Samus on your wall
Yoshidude said:
For such a Metroid series hater Marzy, thats a nice picture of Samus on your wall
Marzy, the most indecisive C3er.
Although that Street Fighter Poster is epically brilliant.
Yep, it did have Mario on the other side, but I have so many other Mario posters I just switched it over to Samus. Besides, she sexier than Mario
Marzy said:
Yep, it did have Mario on the other side, but I have so many other Mario posters I just switched it over to Samus. Besides, she sexier than Mario
True dat.
Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:Marzy said:Yep, it did have Mario on the other side, but I have so many other Mario posters I just switched it over to Samus. Besides, she sexier than MarioTrue dat.
( Edited on 20.05.2007 14:52 by Yoshidude )
My final sixth form ball was on Friday and I got a few pictures from it.
My house beforehand for the warm-up (I know, I have a shitty kitchen). I'm back left.
A variation on the same picture.
Unfortunately this one is awful quality. I'm in the middle.
Finally one of me and 2 of my teachers, I'll leave you to figure out which one is me (hint: I may be a little more drunk than the other 2).
You look pretty snazzy in a tux stucorbs.
I should hope so, if I can't pull of snazzy in a tux, when can I pull snazzy off?!
A little fun fact from the evening, I made a
I love this photo. Reminds me of Anchorman so much!
Don't ask how my band ended up doing this cheese in the middle of Cardiff. Anyway, I'm the one with the orange guitar.
Tis me and one of my mates, Im on the left.
(Sorry for shitty quality, my mates camera phone.
( Edited on 29.05.2007 22:02 by Dead*Goose )
Dead*Wookie said:
Tis me and one of my mates, Im on the left.(Sorry for shitty quality, my mates camera phone. ( Edited on 29.05.2007 22:02 by Dead*Goose )
Aahw, man! That's just too much, posting pics of a dead wookie!
Soundworks said:I love this photo. Reminds me of Anchorman so much! Dont ask how my band ended up doing this cheese in the middle of Cardiff. Anyway, Im the one with the orange guitar.
You my friend, even the mention of Anchorman deserves a star
Which is better? I think we all know
( Edited on 29.05.2007 22:25 by Co Chief Resident John Dorian )
Lrrr i hope you haven't just compared Ron Burgundy and the gang, to busted.
Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
Lrrr i hope you havent just compared Ron Burgundy and the gang, to busted.
get the bastards...
Did you know that San Fransisco in German means a whales vagina?
Milk was a bad choice
Where did busted buy there clothes from, the toilet store?
Deepest Apologies CCRJD for comparing Anchorman to Busted. I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party
Dun dun de dun! I'm no cam person, but here I am! ...again. >.>
With my short friend. Well, I'm kinda tall but meh.
Also, Guitar Hero ftw! Though I was almost as good as the owner of the game so they didn't let me play. I'm in the far background and that dork in the front with the guitar is my sis.
wow your hawt!
Milk! said:Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:Lrrr i hope you havent just compared Ron Burgundy and the gang, to busted.get the bastards...Did you know that San Fransisco in German means a whales vagina?
Lrrr said:
Where did busted buy there clothes from, the toilet store?Deepest Apologies CCRJD for comparing Anchorman to Busted. I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party
Anchorman quotes stats all around guys.