Adding online elements would be easy actually, on PC emulation it has already been done. At least the emulator RockNES X has a netplay feature available to use. And that's on the PC. You wouldn't be able to have more than 4 players but online would be easy to incorporate onto the WiiConnect 24 service.
Same goes for the refresh rates, if PC emulation done by people in their spare time can incorporate these things then surely a multi-million dollar company can do it too. Especially on a deadicated platform.
Unfortunately, when you email the PC emulator creators with these ideas, then to their limits, they will endeavor to add if they think it's a good idea.
Royalties are a problem, and will remain to be unless people would consider to allow the games into open domain. I can imagine that the companies would only allow Nintendo to pass on royalties in the event that they don't charge for the games.
And to any Nintendo workers that accidentally stumble onto this page (about a 15'000'000 to one chance), we want netplay, we want 480p, we want it without paying through the nose.
( Edited on 09.12.2006 12:15 by Lightmare )