Sonic, Surely!
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Sonic, Surely!
I hope megaman will be in :/
Sonic would be oh so very awesome, but I'm also hoping for Megaman! The old version, ofcourse!
omg plz b master cheef k thx
It is going to be Sonic but i wish it was somebody form an better series like Leon or Dante
I seriously thought they would unveil more than one new one... but I would love to see Viewtiful Joe.
Maybe they'll just be revealing more new characters over time. There are many characters I'd like to see but I'd imagine it could be Sonic they'll be showing next.
I wish it was viewtiful Joe that would be awesome or even Megaman. Well whats to say it isn't a new Nintendo character, hopefully some new Fire Embulem ones like Ike, or why not Paper Mario from Paper Mario. Oh well a new trailer is good enough for me, roll on Friday.
surely Olimar? ( also Sonic? yaaaaaawwwwn)
How about Crouser? In the Final Fight arcade only level, Crouser was tough as hell, an expert at close quarters combat and bowled out grenades like a c***, the perfect candidate for SSBB, he disappeared up until recently when Capcom decided to give him a major role in Resi 4.
Also I expect to see a UbiSoft character join the ranks in the form of Rayman or the real Solid Snake, Sam Fisher, hopefully Shenmue's Ryu Hazuki.
Expect to see mascots from every major 3rd party, Ubisoft, Konami, Capcom, Square Enix, Sega, etc.
Also I think instead of just changing a players colour, for multiplay of the same character, another form of the same character should be used.
Eg, Player1,
Ganon as evil looking man,
Player2, Ganon the big sweaty pig.
Or perhaps incorperate a 2d version of the same character, where applicable.
They might just be telling us a character that was in the game before and saying they're in this one, it might not be some all new character like everyone keeps suspecting.
I hope it's at least a third party charachter.
I'll be pissed off if it's an obvious one.
I'm hoping for somebody mind-blowing like cloud or Sora.
I don't think they would announce this, especially, if it was just a returning/1st party character. I wouldn't be surprised if they have another trailer in the works showcasing the possibly last 3rd party character.
I'm expecting Sonic this Friday.
Who cares? Now that metaknight is in, nothing else matters. Joke. But, I don't care for Sonic being in it one way or the other. Toad as an unlockable player ftw!
Kangaroo_Kid said:liek omg itz onli nitnedo chars u noob lol
omg plz b master cheef k thx
Megaman and Sonic FTW!!!11 X3
If it's a third party character I think it'll either be Sonic or Viewtiful Joe.
If it's a first party character it could well be Captain Olimar or King. K. Rool.
Sonic wont be my first choice but Cloud or V.joe or Dante or a digimon or the guy in project HAMMER.
Digimon!? what have they done to deserve to get into smash bros other than copy pokemon then starring in a bunch of crappy games.
I wouldn't mind cloud but i don't see it happening to be honest.
Viewtful Joe or Sonic would be my picks! Possibly a animal crossing charchter cause it would be pretty funny seeing somone from that fight but i'd rather see a 3rd party charachter.
Urm.... excuse me. But what makes it so obvious that it's a 3rd party character? Come on, we're gonna get our hopes up then on Friday we'll see Fox.
If it IS a new character, then it could be Sonic, I guess, it would certainly make my year.
From Capcom, it would be Viewtiful Joe or Megaman, prolly MegaMan (from MegaLan, 'cos he's on Nintendo more than other Megamans, hopefully PROPER Megaman though ) but it might not be Viewtiful Joe. Clover are over remember?
I'd also be just as pleased if I found out if Ice Climber were still in it. It'd also make my year if Bomberman was put in too, but since Hudson & Konami are one now, & Konami already put in Snake/bum Sony, I doubt we'll see Bomberman
I'd laugh SO hard if it was just someone like Diddy Kong or Birdo...typical Nintendo, hype
and then *big anticlimax
*, followed by uproar from fanboys and a little bit of Ninty-bitching thrown in for good measure. Or something along those lines...
Oh, and the Wii is an exception to the anticlimax anecdote, obv.
( Edited on 31.10.2006 21:13 by VelocityStrike )
VelocityStrike said:
followed by uproar from fanboys
Erm, what a dumb n00b, Birdo is a man.
( Edited on 31.10.2006 21:16 by SuperLink )
SuperLiink said:VelocityStrike said:followed by uproar from fanboys/Yar, something like that is bound to happen. Although the n00by fanboys would try to back up Nintendo as much as possible by saying things like OMFG BIRDOI IS SU WIKKED IV ALWAYS WSANTD TO PLAY AS HER LOL!!!!Erm, what a dumb n00b, Birdo is a man.God. :sarcyEdited on 31.10.2006 21:12 by SuperLink )
Made me laugh (quite a bit to be honest), so have a star
I really hope its Sonic, Veiwtiful Joe. But the one I really want to be in it is Sonic.
I think there should be more characters from the Star Fox games.
jamain said:
Sonic, Surely!