They make me poor.
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They make me poor.
...wanna dance!
...sit there for hours with them
*huggles pink DS lite*
want to hide from sunlight
oh and as for poor, I sympathise brother. Rising prices + decreasing wages = gaming problems and wallet problems.
yea, I'm poor because of my gaming habit too
Make me a target for strangulation by my poor, abused wallet.
DS is destroying my bank ballance. I have 27 DS game so far and there are far more that i want. I want a DS Lite aswell and a Wii. I can't cope!!!
Hate the postman for no reason.
( Edited on 02.08.2006 14:34 by Der SegaHund )
Game make me kind of hyper sometimes! Especially this demo of Meteos.
Der SegaHund said:
Hate the postman for no reason.( Edited on 02.08.2006 14:34 by Der SegaHund )
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Trepe said:
DS is destroying my bank ballance. I have 27 DS game so far and there are far more that i want. I want a DS Lite aswell and a Wii. I cant cope!!!
There's a likkle (spelt purposely like that, for ppl who wanna correct me) thing called "moderation", a thing called "addiction" and another thing called "trading in".
Saying this, as long as on of those 27 games isn't Burnout Legends, I'll let you off.
Makes me want to kill n00bs.
*and skip meals
( Edited on 02.08.2006 16:41 by Frazzle.d )
*maybe sleep, sometimes
( Edited on 02.08.2006 16:41 by Frazzle.d )
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
Frazzle.d said:
Makes me want to kill n00bs.*and skip meals( Edited on 02.08.2006 16:41 by Frazzle.d )*maybe sleep, sometimes( Edited on 02.08.2006 16:41 by Frazzle.d )
Skipping meals isn't good if you are a Genin Ninja.
Ninjas can survive in a portaloo cabin for 8 days without food.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
Where would they get the water..from...
We ninjas think nothing of things that are deemed undigified or disgusting by 'normal standards'. We live to survive. We survive to live.
Besides, we think Portaloos are a better fast food joint that McDonalds.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
Frazzle.d said:You're not the only one who thinks that
Exactly. We ninjas think nothing of things that are deemed undigified or disgusting by normal standards. We live to survive. We survive to live. Besides, we think Portaloos are a better fast food joint that McDonalds.
Frazzle.d said:
Ninjas can survive in a portaloo cabin for 8 days without food.
Can you prove this with sustainable evidence? Or are your chakra levels insufficient to send me this information across the lands?
Only a Jounin ninja really has the ability to do this. Proven here
HINT: It isn't an actual site