...final testing times for the game has been reduced...
Hello, bugs and glitches!
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...final testing times for the game has been reduced...
Hello, bugs and glitches!
msenyszak said:...final testing times for the game has been reduced...Hello, bugs and glitches!
They call him Mr Cynical...baby that's his name
Testing can be thorough within a short time scale, simply increase hours worked.
Hmm, although good to see the Wii being brought forward to October (rumours wise), it's a bit dodgy to see some games potentially being rushed for an early lead.
jb said:
Hmm, although good to see the Wii being brought forward to October (rumours wise), its a bit dodgy to see some games potentially being rushed for an early lead.
Launch day games are always rushed, games like MP3 and LoZ:TTP will not be compromised as they've been in R&D since the GC days.
( Edited on 11.07.2006 10:57 by HazukiSan )
Launch day games are always rushed, games like MP3 and SMG will not be compromised as they've been in R&D since the GC days.
Hey, you guys really think these games are buggy? Ninty has never given away buggy software. Even Gamecube-launchtitles were fully playable...
*the I-have-faith-in-Nintendo-spokesman has... spoken*
But not only have the games to betested, they have to be localised (Japan to Europe and US. Even German, Spanish, French,... versions have to be tested...
i thought SMG was not a launch game. as long as they get all the games sorted and they play well with the new controller i will be happy. hopefully no bugs and glitches. and hopefully that means that the online content is gonna be ready. hope the servers dont go down that would suck on launch day.
amtrid said:
i thought SMG was not a launch game. as long as they get all the games sorted and they play well with the new controller i will be happy. hopefully no bugs and glitches. and hopefully that means that the online content is gonna be ready. hope the servers dont go down that would suck on launch day.
Ah yeah, I meant LoZ:TTP. I'm off to edit!
I still can't believe that Nintendo are treating us with two aa titles at launch. (In otherwards Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess). Hopefully good times are ahead
My only problem is that I only have $330 (USD) and if I want a bunch of games and controllers at the beggining but if I knew how much I needed it would make it so much easier so I want the realese date and prices for the system and games.
( Edited on 11.07.2006 12:10 by LuigiGBA )
Wii in October with MP3 and LOZ *foams at the mouth*
Laurelin said:Launch day games are always rushed, games like MP3 and SMG will not be compromised as theyve been in R&D since the GC days.Wow, Hazuki... I seldom witnessed that massive amount of abbrevations in one sentence! *giving medal to Hazuki*Hey, you guys really think these games are buggy? Ninty has never given away buggy software. Even Gamecube-launchtitles were fully playable...*the I-have-faith-in-Nintendo-spokesman has... spoken*But not only have the games to betested, they have to be localised (Japan to Europe and US. Even German, Spanish, French,... versions have to be tested...
Yeah, but there were, er, 4 GC launch titles.
AAAGH! No! I need more time to get money!! It's not fair... Why am I too lazy to go and find a job? ;_;
I'd like as much testing as possible. Not only is this a new console, it's really different with a whole new control scheme. I hope the titles are buggy, that wouldn't be a good selling point.
oooo i wonder what game it is!?!?! lets hope the Wii comes out in October!!!
msenyszak said:My thoughts exactly!...final testing times for the game has been reduced...Hello, bugs and glitches!
Are Wii games REALLY THAT easy to make?
amtrid said:Nintendo are going to try to have it as launch titles, Miyamoto said he's really like it to be launch, but it's doubtful.
i thought SMG was not a launch game. as long as they get all the games sorted and they play well with the new controller i will be happy. hopefully no bugs and glitches. and hopefully that means that the online content is gonna be ready. hope the servers dont go down that would suck on launch day.
( Edited on 11.07.2006 19:22 by Sought The Poltercow )
I hope its Super Mario Galaxy becuse I want that game and there allways a mario game launch becuse Game Cube had one
canand said:
I hope its Super Mario Galaxy becuse I want that game and there allways a mario game launch becuse Game Cube had one
There was no Mario launch game for the GC. Luigi's Mansion doesn't count.
canand said:
no Super Mario Sunshine...
Are Wii games REALLY THAT easy to make?
The dev architecture is apparently VERY similar to the GameCube so developers can get straight into it instead of spending time getting used to the new console.
But surely it would even take them longer than 1/2 a year to make a GC game? Or is it because all they have to do is get the game they already started from the GC, & get it onto the Wii?
Because many developers made Wii games on GCs until the Final Wii Dev-Kit went out, which was pretty recently.
October 4th 2002. (That's from MEMORY PEOPLE!!