Remember this is a family forum so please don't post any explicit images or content.
Continuing on from the legendary Pics of You thread is a new one because that topic is getting way too filled up with posts and getting too long.
The first "Pics of you" thread is locked, but please definitely look through that topic as there are a lot of cool people and some funny moments!
This topic is a place to post up pictures of you doing whatever you want - mug shots, holiday snaps etc. With the long Summer approaching what better time to share your odd holiday moments!
Getting Pictures Online
You can use a free picture host to get your photos from your pc to the Internet.
The following are good providers:
Once your pic is up, just add it to the topic using standard picture tags.
Acceptible File Sizes
Please, please keep file sizes down! The other topic had some pretty pictures that made reading through posts a problem at times.
You can use the image button (click on "Image" below the post textbox) to keep your image to below 500px in width.
Have fun!
( Edited on 05.07.2006 19:45 by jb )