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Mike won't let me, even if it is with a towel I'll persuade him
as for my pics -
this is my tattoo I got done today... its still tender -
Sorry about the rubbish quality, my webcam isn't great... the tattoo looks much better when you can see the detail... and it isn't red and sore
and a pic of me looking hot and sticky -
Nice tats, both of you! I wanted one on my arm a while ago, how painful is it in general?
Mike won't let me, even if it is with a towel, I'll persuade him
Fair enough, but if everyone on the forum chips in a fiver via paypal then that may persuade him aswell
And cute pic as always Shiny.
Nice tats ladies, lol, although I'm not much of a tat man meself.
John, John, you just know our Karn is the sexiest!
John, John, you just know our Karn is the sexiest!
You know you'd have me if Sue gave you the green light.
Pikasue said:
Nice tats, both of you!I wanted one on my arm a while ago, how painful is it in general?
well, I've got two now, the first was on my ankle and that didn't hurt at all when I got it done. Stung a little afterwards, but thats to be expected as it's basically an open wound
this one today... oh my God... it hurt so much even though I had it numbed... its more a stinging pain than anything else, but its not too pleasant the hip is apparently one of the most sensitive places to have it done... along with insides of arms and on the ribs
That's a very nice tattoo ShinyRainbow, I likes it lotses.
how painful is it in general?
For me it kinda burned slightly because the tattoo gun got so hot, and my tattoos required a lot of attention, but other than that, it just stung, more especially when he got around my collar bone, which was what bothered me the most, otherwise, I have a pretty high pain tolerance.
Fair enough, but if everyone on the forum chips in a fiver via paypal then that may persuade him aswell
That may be enough to persuade my hubby...
( Edited on 05.07.2006 23:35 by Jaimi Deadly )
you want to post a topless pic god damn to do ti women what you waiting for
Or send me it via PM you know you want..........oh god i sound like such a perv and god damn it i am pround of it
ShinyRainbow said: oh my God... it hurt so much even though I had it numbed... its more a stinging pain than anything else, but its not too pleasantthe hip is apparently one of the most sensitive places to have it done... along with insides of arms and on the ribs
Yea, my brother got one on the bottom of his wrists, he was hurtin the whole time, we all went as a group, me and the hubby, my brother and his gf, so we all got to watch eachother get inked, it was pretty fun, I feel that it helps to have people around.
Mr.Ashcroft said:
you want to post a topless pic god damn to do ti women what you waiting forOr send me it via PM you know you want..........oh god i sound like such a perv and god damn it i am pround of it
jb said:
Nice tats ladies, lol, although I'm not much of a tat man meself.
Thanks, oh I love them, I can't wait to get more, hehe.
( Edited on 05.07.2006 23:47 by Jaimi Deadly )
Damn, a follow-up to the other one? *Stares at cam* Better get to work then...!
Warning: Officially the second posiest picture of me in existence! The first most posiest featuring sunglasses...
Also, I get bonus points for wearing the black and white.
Yay for pics of you topics
God damn it Karn, why must you be such a beast I mean err....err....ah crap.
There really is no hope for me *stares at limp arms* XD I'll just enjoy the view for now methinks
HazukiSan said:
Fair enough, but if everyone on the forum chips in a fiver via paypal then that may persuade him aswell
Mason said:HazukiSan said:Fair enough, but if everyone on the forum chips in a fiver via paypal then that may persuade him aswellDESPERATE ALERT
Mason said:HazukiSan said:Fair enough, but if everyone on the forum chips in a fiver via paypal then that may persuade him aswellDESPERATE ALERT
A few pictures of me in China.
A few more pictures can be found here.
whats in the background of that last picture of you, nexus? it's either indoor ruins or a chicken farm
Edit ~ just looked at more of the pictures on that site and I'm jealous that you got to go to China for a school trip
( Edited on 06.07.2006 07:38 by ShinyRainbow )
Nexus said:A few pictures of me in China.
You look exactly the same on each picture you posted here, are you some kine of robot?
Jaimi Deadly said:Not just the hubby, the mods wouldn't be too happy about it either
Haha, yea, Im known as the midget to most people, but I have to correct them, because Im not short enough to be a full blown midget, Im an almost midget.I dont know whats worse, finding adult jeans that fit, or the fact that I still fit in kiddy clothes!
I dont think the hubby would be too happy if I did a topless post... as tempting as it may be. :esmile
Edited on 05.07.2006 23:10 by Jaimi Deadly )
And I turned the feet and inches into meters, so I had an idea about how tall(short?) you actually were, and I saw my mom's only a few inches taller than you... I'm about 5 feet 9 myself(for now, wait till I get aroused)
And Bart, I was thinking the exact same thing
( Edited on 06.07.2006 09:22 by Cubed3Newbie )
In a non-gay way, I can say that Jambo is the sexiest so far. Just you wait till I get a pic up though
ShinyRainbow said:
I want to post a topless pic!!
Ben said:
Id change that in an instant, but my digi-cam aint working
Sure Your sexiness broke it
Mason said:HazukiSan said:Fair enough, but if everyone on the forum chips in a fiver via paypal then that may persuade him aswellDESPERATE ALERT
Cheeky sod.
Nice shades Jambo. And nexus, seriously... pose differently! That looks like the one pose of you pasted infront of different settings.