Excitetrucks. If I could only afford one game, I'd try to get the one with the most replay value, and for me good racing games tend to last a while because of replayability.
Red Steel and Super Smash Bros. are close seconds though (is Smash Bros. a launch title? I was under the impression that it won't come out 'til after Christmas, but I dunno).
My third choices would be Mario Galaxy, Warioware, and Wii sports.
I've never really cared much for Zelda games. I think it's because of all the back tracking and going back and forth because of different items and whatever. I own Ocarina of Time, Oracle of Seasons, Four Swords (GC), and Link to the Past/Four Swords on the GBA. Out of those, Oracle of Seasons is the only one I've completed, the rest I've gotten bored of (I might play Four Swords some more though if I get bored over the summer). The games just don't hold my attention very well.. I think though I didn't like Ocarine of Time because I just got it less than a year ago, so it's old and it's harder to get into. Link to the Past just frustated me for one reason or another. Same with Four Swords, but to a lesser extent, plus I got it for Christmas so it got a bit overshadowed by some other games that hold my attention better. So we'll just have to see what happens with TP (good grief, that's longer that I was expecting).
( Edited on 08.06.2006 04:01 by TAG )