Is Stuntman Coming Out On The Gamecube.

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Thanks. Smilie

From what I've heard, it isn't. Smilie
But, apparently, although from the same makers as Driver, it's not as good as many had made it out to be. I would stick to driver or wait for some form of sequel to be announced or a similar game - E3 perhaps?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I played it on the PS2 a while ago, and it isn't nearly as good as I was hoping it to be. It's just trial and error, 'oops, got that wrong, do it again...oops...' etc.

Not a good game, and the handling of the cars was a bit dodgey too if I remember correctly... Smilie

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trial and error isnt always a bad thing... but it is here.. big let down. Not too sure on a GC release.

Dont now if its comming out for the GC but I have it for the PS2 and I wouldnt buy it if I was you. Its one of them games thats good for a little while and then gets boring realy quickly. The car handlings realy realistic (I'v heared many ppl say, Im too young to drive) but on the arina bit where you build stuff up it slows down if you knock too many barrels over at once and it also puts a limit on the number of ramps your allowd to fit into the arina.
I found it quite disapointing but its a very testing game.
Ps. Dont buy the guide for it, I did *bangs head against table* and it realy sucks and dosent help you atall. Smilie

I played a demo on the PS2..... it's crap! Well, ok, let's say....erm.... 'it's not my cup of tea' Smilie Smilie

Is it me, or is it hot here?

MSNm - [email protected]

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