My biggest fear was and is trolls and clowns, and also enormus pigs.
And yesterday a clown offered me an icecream. I just wanted to run away and throw the damn icecream in his ugly face!
For some years ago one of my friends had a mini-pig. It was kinda cute but after a few month that pig wasnt that mini anymore...It scared the crap out of me! It must have been the size of a scooter or something!
Trolls have always freaked me out. They are big, disgusting, scary, bignosed and I just cant stand them.
10do, my sister has two of those hand-size spiders as pets. They are really soft and cute...atleast Nightmare, the oldest one, she is calm, but Daydream is a unfriendly thing!
Screaming frogs? O.o Sounds scary. Never seen one, only dead ones.
( Edited on 27.03.2006 22:45 by Sheena )