Horrors of the past

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Just now, it shot right out of my head...a thread which we all blurt out our fears from the past time, the childhood fears that hopefully has gone away. If not, then maybe this thread will help you, OR make it worse.Smilie

First I'll let you guys tell some of your fears, then I add some of mine.Smilie

Go nuts...!

To have fear.

Seriously I grew up just telling myself not to be afraid of anything, so that became a fear in itself.


Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

I have been diagnosed with hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Smilie



It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

When I was really small I had an insane fear of my toilet flush, used to run away from it then wash my hands in the kitchen.

Other embarrasing fear I have is spiders, now I'm not talking about those pansy spider, ickle two inchers - I can splat/ignore them. But we get buggers the size of Tea Saucers (and bigger...) in the country, and as much as I love other "scary" animals (snakes and such) I just can't stand spiders as big as we get them. The end of summer sucks, especially Smilie

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Injured frogs. They scream.
In all my childhood nightmares, the frogs were screaming.

My biggest fear was and is trolls and clowns, and also enormus pigs.
And yesterday a clown offered me an icecream. I just wanted to run away and throw the damn icecream in his ugly face!

For some years ago one of my friends had a mini-pig. It was kinda cute but after a few month that pig wasnt that mini anymore...It scared the crap out of me! It must have been the size of a scooter or something!

Trolls have always freaked me out. They are big, disgusting, scary, bignosed and I just cant stand them.

10do, my sister has two of those hand-size spiders as pets. They are really soft and cute...atleast Nightmare, the oldest one, she is calm, but Daydream is a unfriendly thing!

Screaming frogs? O.o Sounds scary. Never seen one, only dead ones.

( Edited on 27.03.2006 22:45 by Sheena )

Getting my head crushed. In my early nightmares I always used to get my head squashed until it popped. Smilie

as a child i was scared of paedophiles. i mean imagine running into a paedophile as a young chile on your own. and its dark. Smilie

My biggest fear when I was a young'un was probably a invasion of girls. Don't ask me why.

You found the word nipple! And you love touching them!

You're a very pig-centric person, aren't ya Sheena Smilie

10do, my sister has two of those hand-size spiders as pets. They are really soft and cute...atleast Nightmare, the oldest one, she is calm, but Daydream is a unfriendly thing!

Actually I love Tarantulas, a mate has a few, a really nice Chilean Rose which is cool. Love the fact that Nightmare is cute but Daydream is a bitch Smilie

Anyway my problem is the common / wild / house spider. Can't really find a good piccy, but we get "normal" spiders out here that are just huge, hard to explain but they scare the crap out of me - especially at the sizes they reach. And the fact that the buggers get everywhere, in your bed and such - the large wild spiders are horrible Smilie

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

edward scissorhands scared the shit outta me when i was a kid.


infact all of tim burtons movies did... cept beetlejuice.
thats just comic genuis

Bet you wouldn't say so now, though - eh? Smilie (Edit: That was aimed at Cap)

I'm not allowed to be scared of spiders so I can come out with:

'Scared of spiders!? Spydars are my middle name!'


( Edited on 27.03.2006 22:59 by spydarlee )

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Always used to be scared of the sight of blood... made me faint when I saw it. Actually fainted in some embarassing places (i.e. head down toilet)...

I'm also still scared that someone will find the video of me singing and dancing in the Year 7 school production of 'South Pacific'. The horror.

My biggest fear was and is trolls ...

I'm with you on that one. I was absolutely terrified of trolls for years as a child; all has to do with a copy of the 'Billy Goats Gruff' book I had when I was a kid, that had the most f*cked up illustrations I can imagine (or so it seemed at the time).

I have this fear of not being able to run. I think I had my first nightmare about in around then 2nd grade, where I was on the playground and a tornado came from the sky out of no where and I started to run away. My legs got weak all of the sudden (like when you faint), but I got back up and ran away.
Since then I've had maybe 10 nightmares that involve running and then either my legs giving out all together or them becoming real heavy and going real slow. So it's kinda evolved from that.

But I think I'd get over it if i have my arms. I NEED arms.

That's hilarious sounding Smilie

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Clowns and Gremlins (always loved the films, loved the creatures, but come night time when you're a kid...brrrr). Also, spiders did and do still scare me.

The dark, too. I was terrified of it. I'm still a bit wary of it now, sad as it might sound.

The dark, too. I was terrified of it. I'm still a bit wary of it now, sad as it might sound

In that case, count me in as sad too!Smilie

I hated those Jack-in-the-Boxes, and butterflies, believe it or not (not the pictures, but seeing them in the flesh, with all that fluttering of wings! Hard to explain!)

What I was petrified of most was that blue creature in Sesame Street I think. It stemmed from my nightmare at 7 in which he appeared after each episode telling me to steal a machine. I didn't have it at the end of the week so she shot me point range with a machine gun (actually, I swear it was a gatling in hindsight). The thing I'm scared about most was how I soaked up those references subconsciously!Smilie

And too many more to list atm!


The thing that scared me most when I was little was my paedophile grandfather. He put my through some terrifying and horrific ordeals.

( Edited on 28.03.2006 01:58 by Oni )

Getting my head crushed. In my early nightmares I always used to get my head squashed until it popped.

My worst fear when it comes to how I may die is to be crushed slowly. To be crushed at all scares the crap out of me, has to do with some unhappy childhood memories actually.Smilie

And the fact that the buggers get everywhere, in your bed and such - the large wild spiders are horrible Smilie

Thats a very good way of making me more thrilled about moving to Scotland someday.SmilieSmilie

The dark, too. I was terrified of it. I'm still a bit wary of it now, sad as it might sound.

I have totally forgot the fear of darkness. Before I couldnt sleep in pitch black rooms, but now I love the dark. The curiosity of what may be "lurking" in the deepest of shadows, the tingly feeling when you hear a noise not supposed to be there, the thrill of the fear itself.Smilie

i was scared off my toilet all those years ago.

My Name Is Kizarny
hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead

i was scared off my toilet all those years ago.

Did you need a lot of underwear changes?

Did you need a lot of underwear changes?

I remember being afraid of toilets for a while after seeing that movie "Look whos talking" or whatever its called.

By the way, long time no see Mseny!Smilie

i was once shit scared of dogs, i once legged it from a tiny chiuawa(however you spell it), i hid away from a small poodle on a balcony once. It all changed once i realised that i was able to kick the crap out of most dogs. Animals dont like me Smilie

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

It all changed once i realised that i was able to kick the crap out of most dogs. Animals dont like me

SmilieCount me as one them.

Seriously, you kick dogs?! Thats not a good way of handling the fear. Atleast thats what I think.
No stars from me answering wrong now.Smilie

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