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I had a fear of my doorhandle because it looked like a face. Sometimes I would have to get someone to open/close the doors for me.
I was scared of an ex's coat hanger, a big four pronged one on her bedroom wall. Used to wake up in the middle of the night when staying at hers and the moonlight cast a shadow that made the fucker out to be a massive spider. I remember creeping out of bed with a pillow in hand to get it, was pretty embarrassing when she turned on the lamp to see me bare arsed stalking a coat hanger - many amusing re-tells of that one
No, I don't think that's it. It's "ruimtevrees" in Dutch I think, I'll look up the translation.
[edit] No, it's not ruimtevrees either. I've found out that having an unsettling feel near tall buildings is called 'batofobie', but I don't know if that's for the reason I stated.
( Edited on 29.03.2006 22:12 by )
I always was (and still am) very scared of old people/have a fear of getting old, quite a big one that.
Yeah, I share this too! It's annoying that it's inevitable and all, so the best I can do is prance about like an idiot in dance and hope surgery and medicine will improve by then!
Blade2t3 said:
Being upside down in water is one of the most disorientating experiances ive ever been through, Kayaking sucks
Fucking ditto.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
I DO NOT KICK DOGS, although i have poked one with a stick out of fear.
I nearly crapped myself though when one of my brothers got to the last boss on wolfenstien 3D, the boss had such a menacing face but he had two gattling guns ahhhhhhh
What I also used to be scared of was high ceilings, or looking up in a church, looking up at really tall buildings.
^ t'was that guy, i never went near that game again for a good 5 years.
Its bizarre... nothing really scares me in a terrifying way unless somethings imminent but that doesnt scare me it just gives me time to worry.
Its bizarre... nothing really scares me in a terrifying way unless somethings imminent but that doesnt scare me it just gives me time to worry.Explain?