Fighting games on rev - the importance of physics

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Thats a pretty simple solution...

It doesn't satisfy me though, because I ALWAYS use the D-Pad and I won't be able to with this controller. I am still hoping the Shell enables a SNES pad layout (my personal favourite for fighting) since I do love my fighting games...

I guess you could swap hands and have the stick used for attacks and the d-pad for moving again, but that doesn't seem to sit right.

On a side note, as much I love other fighting games (Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter and Fatal Fury) I think Smash Bros. gets the crown for depth. Rather than learning vast combinations for buttons, its more about dodging and manouvering into the best position to attack... and also learning when to use certain moves. It's my favourite fighter by a large margin.

( Edited on 18.03.2006 15:14 by TimoteiWest )

The d-pad is shit as a set of buttons.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Worked fine for me on SM64 DS...

Worked fine for me on SM64 DS...

which as we know is an intense lighting quick fighting game demanding a plethora of complex button combinations...Smilie

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Yes <_<;;; Heh I hadn't thought about that. I was just replying to "The d-pad is shit as a set of buttons."

Yeah, I know what you mean, but it's still much better to have buttons. To be honest this is the most pointless debate EVER, due to the exiatnce of the shell which will beat the free hand controller at trad. fighting games hands down. (pun definately intended)

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.


The revo pad is a stick.

In fact, it looks like a sex toy from some angles.

In REAL fights ladies, pyshco Nintendo fans armed with that shit will be DEADLY.

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{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Well, assuming that d-pad has a nice enough feel and is comfortable to use, it should suffice. No one is going to maintain that the new pad is better for fighting games, but it's obvious that it can just about be done.

Personally I will be getting the shell.

I doubt they'd bother configuring one without the shell in mind, but I suppose it all depends on how high-profile the shell will be. We don't know how many games will use it, probably none in the 1st generation at least, since most devs will be eager to experiment with the fHC.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

The shell people the shell,

there is absolutely no reason the shell couldn't be made to work with these games, I reckon that a lot of the Revo's games will be designed for the shell in the first place, allowing classic gameplay, but also maybe the option to play with the nunchuck/revmote controller. & I reckon thet even if SSB is designed for Revo controller use, then there will be a shell option, I mean, SSB, the fighting game that nobody really hates, & this sequel could potentially ruin the entire series if they messed up, it would be a bad idea NOT to include a shell option.

So, the shell could be used for fighting games, simple as. & the GC was definitely lacking in the fighting games department, everyone can see that, & it could be because of the button layout too, but the shell could correct all these problems, & who's to say Nintendo WON'T make a special controller specifically for arcade like fighters? It's not CONFIRMED that they're definitely not is it? So it's not out of the question, & the shell could do it anyway.

I reckon the shell WILL be modelled after the GCN controller though, but they might make a few changes, as I know that the GCN controller is very popular for a lot of genres except fighting.

& SSB was made with simple controls so that basically anyone could play, the problem with arcade fighters is that you often have to remember a combo, & there are loads of attack buttons usually, but with SSB it's just the simple D+attack button attacks... & it's a pretty unique game I guess, & maybe an example to show a new kind of fighter that COULD have been used for GC? But noone used it so...

I'm sure Nintendo aren't that stupid, you learn from your mistakes, Nintendo are sure to know that fans are disappointed with the lack of GCN fighters, so they'll come up with something that works. & if Viewtiful Joe (a pretty Nintendo happy franchise) isn't made on Revo, then I'll be very upset.

I want Viewtiful Joe 3.Smilie

EDIT: I really DO think that games will have the option to use the shell for classic gameplay! It would give game twice the playability having two ways of playing, & if they're Revo controller method fucks up (liek the DS' have done with 3rd party games) then they have a back up method, I think not utilising this would be stupid.

( Edited on 18.03.2006 19:27 by Superlink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery


The revo pad is a stick.

In fact, it looks like a sex toy from some angles.

In REAL fights ladies, pyshco Nintendo fans armed with that shit will be DEADLY.

Shit, man. You didn't even take into consideration the nanchuku attachment. This thing is a damned versitile fighting device. Imagine all the other potentional weaponary extentions one could get for the thing.

Dont' know about you, but I sure as hell don't want to be caught in a dark alley against a bunch of thugs with rev-controllers. It's going to be high in the arsenal for gang warfare, that's for sure.

All Nintendo need to do is release 'the shell' with the GC pad's ergonimics and the SNES/Playstation button layout. As long as Nintendo bundle both the shell and the rev-remote in the absolute basic Revolution pack, everyones happy.

( Edited on 18.03.2006 21:01 by f | j | D )

Just read through:

1) SSBM isn't a button-masher. You can't mash buttons and expect to do crazy combos like more generic fighters. Just for a kind of abstract comparison. Think of Meteos, you can frantically slide on the touch screen but on Tetris, frantically hammering buttons does nothing. Yet they are the same kind of genre (twilight zone music..)

2) Standard and half decent fighting games are becoming more and more generic. Most of the fighters out are all the same. Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Dead Or Alive etc are all good but still similar. You can talk about Street Fighter, but that was made a few years ago.

3) If the Revolution doesn't have any fighters apart from Nintendo's own, then I know I won't be bothered. Soul Calibur 2 and SSBM easily kept my GC happy, even though they aren't like the norm.

( Edited on 18.03.2006 21:07 by shiptoncraig )

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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& I'm sure they will too, now all game companies need to do is bundle MEMORY CARDS with consoles!!!! What a great idea! Smilie

They're a bit blind sometimes, would be easier for us all. Smilie

I'm pretty certain that we'll get the Shell, Nunchuck, & other important attatchments out of the box, & if not, they'd better come cheap, or we'll be mad! Smilie

EDIT: Yeah, I'll be happy if Soul Calibur III comes out on Revo Smilie

( Edited on 18.03.2006 21:10 by Superlink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

& I'm sure they will too, now all game companies need to do is bundle MEMORY CARDS with consoles!!!! What a great idea!

Well, the X-360 and PS3 (will) have harddrives you can get, and the Cube will have 512MB flash memory (plenty for saving games, plus one or two downloads as well I would guess).

Makes up for Cube memory cards being the biggest rip-off ever, really.

They never released the White Memory card in UK! That makes me sad, I could have EVERY GAME I EVER OWNED ON ONE OF THEM! Smilie

yeah, it is annoying when the GC is at the end of it's life, & then you buy ONE game & you don't have the space for it, no way in fuck am I buying a new memory card for one game.


Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

You can buy very big 1019 GAME memory cards, though i'm unsure how relaible they are. Avoid datel though, they fucking suck at memory cards, wasted money on a PS2 and GC memory cards that corrupts after a while.

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That's also a rubbish solution. My beloved fighting games would be ruined with those controls. This is neither here nor there, however. We've already established that this particular argument hinges on the Shell controller. We've all pretty much agreed that the Revmote isn't for traditional fighters.

( Edited on 18.03.2006 21:37 by Oni )

You can buy very big 1019 GAME memory cards, though i'm unsure how relaible they are. Avoid datel though, they fucking suck at memory cards, wasted money on a PS2 and GC memory cards that corrupts after a while.

I only buy official Nintendo memory cards, the first memory card I got was an unnofficial card, it was the normal size, but it corrupted & frequently erased all my data. Even my Chao data, anyone who has had Chao data erased will know how shit it feels Smilie

EDIT: Chao DS FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

( Edited on 19.03.2006 17:18 by Superlink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well say what you want Oni, I could just about live with that 'rubbish solution'.

Not to be confused with debating over the shell controller or any other controller, obviously this Revmote isn't as good, but it would be just about usable in this Fighting-gamers view.

The truth is, I dont think traditional fighters would work, but thats the point of a revolution, to revolt against tradition.
Imagine a Zelda style one on one fighter, just a random idea, the action on the screen split down the middle, on the left half I see my opponent "Link" facing me, by waving the "REVMOTE" in small circles or flicks, stabs and slashes I can attack my screen opponent, the REVMOTE apparently extremely responsive, could mimic my actions in real-time so that my opponent, the 2nd player visualising my "Link" could counter respectively, the left analogue could be used for normal movement or lock-on strafing, simply letting go of a button would drop your shield ready for an attacking stance. Yeah, I thought about it alot, Im not to fond of the split-screen idea either, but as Nintendo themselves say they would like to remove the confines of the TV, using holograms in this manor would seem intuitive. Cheers!

Big deal, fighters have been progressively selling less and less. There is no way that Nintendo or developers are going to turn down the Revmote just because it won't allow traditional fighting games to be played with it.

Developers of these traditional fighters are either going to have to reinvent the genre for the Revmote (which could be better or worse control wise), use the shell, or simply not make these types of games for the console.

The revmote does allow for different types of fighting possibilities though. I'd be interested in see how something like PunchOut could be done with 2 controllers.

( Edited on 31.03.2006 00:55 by WillHaven )

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