TFFGD 5: RARE what has become of them now...?

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Well, it is a well known fact that RARE where one of the shining lights during the days of the N64, but now they have moved to MS can they thrive? Nintendo, I feel, allow a better creative flow for their developers, they alowed RARE to breathe, take their time and deliver a great end product. No doubt RARE are still a special company, but are they going to find it difficult now that they have to work for MS. You can't imagine MS taking the same angles are views as Nintendo, it just aint gonna happen. They will want there games out and selling, Nintendo are more willing to wait and nurture. RARE might be okay, but lots of their best workers were horrified about the move and went to Free Radical and Acclaim Cheltenham where they could be free again. So, will RARE be the same as when they reigned supreme on the N64, one things for sure, unless Kameo looks better for E3 there might just be problems...

tempo88 Smilie Smilie

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

I just wrote a really good long reply but lost it when the page didn't load!!!! Basically:

1: I didn't think Rare were that good anyway

2: Only produced average games bar Goldeneye

3: Not really Rare anymore due to everyone leaving

4: A rep doesn't last long if you games are crap

5: MS wont allow them the freedom Nintendo did

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Im confident when Rares next game comes all this doubt will be silenced. I still like Rare, I loved SFA so much!!

so, what made SFA so great? Smilie

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

i don't think tht rare really think that they would have been better working with nintendo. in an interview i saw in edge, they said there wasn't anything about working with nintendo they would miss, or regret not being able to work on any franchises.

i am the GOD BEEVER! kneel before me, slaves!

they have to say that to keep the corporate masses happy!!!! Sell out bastards!!!!

They wouldn't publicly state they miss Nintendo though, it would be like saying Nintendo are better than MS (officially)

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so microsoft are going to stiffle creativity... project ego, halo, and many more.. all games that are not being, or were not, rushed out to satisfy an audience. Halo 2. Delayed. But there is a massive anticipation for it. If anything microsoft will be just as good as Nintendo: they know the industry needs great games, and they know rare need space to proform.

tempo88 wrote:
so, what made SFA so great? Smilie

Numerous things. The graphics were simply stunning, the game play, albeit Zelda, was terrffic, the puzzles were very fun, the fighting was gripping and the plot was pretty dam good. And there was a mix of gameplay, I think Rare turely came up tops here!

i don't think tht rare really think that they would have been better working with nintendo. in an interview i saw in edge, they said there wasn't anything about working with nintendo they would miss, or regret not being able to work on any franchises.

hmm that seems like a classical case of you dont know what ya got till its gone.

i think RARE were good on their day, 1 or 2 good games doesnt mean theyre brilliant. Undoubtably Goldeneye was in my eyes a genre-defining game but i didnt think much to Banjo. the DK series on the SNES was great though.
RARE wont get the freedom and MS will just use the name to sell.


really sharpshot?

graphics- stunning

gameplay- terrible, repetitive, boring, generic

fighting- fun first time, until you relise how much of it is button bashing and the lack of skill needed.

rares worst game IMO (that i have played)

Hmm its safe to say SFA is a game u either love or hate

True. It is a title of accuired tastes. There are several people that were bitter about RARE going loco, like me for example, but I still wanted to play the game, and I just felt empty. That feeling of joy that you expect from a RARE game was replaced by something you would expect from a graphic-o-hol, it was nothing but looks. It was dull and boring, and I really can't see why people liked it, sure it was good, but for RARE we expect more Smilie

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

Well after Banjo and Kazooie and DK 64 both of which were...not bad, SFA really takes the medal as its such an improovement.

I found DK64 very boring indeed, my mate brought it just for the expansion pack (special deal at

Webmaster/Admin of

1. DK64 was the 2nd best game on the 64

2. I used to love rare, but there's hardly anyone left anymore

3. MS probably will let Rare do what they want. But after the dissapointment of Blinx, well, *cough, cough*


(sorry 'bout short reply, I'm really tired!)

DK64 was such a cheap game...and I don't mean in terms of price. Making a game long by having the player collect squillions of bananas in different colours is a poor way of extending the title...The play mechanics were fine, but the whole thing smacked of laziness on Rare's part.

My favourite Rare game? Jet Force Gemini, closely followed by Conker's Bad Fur Day (which will be hyped to f*ck when the sequel comes me!).

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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To be honest, i LOVED the fact that there were so many 'nana's to collect. The game lasted sooooooooooooooo long, and was enjoyable the whole way through!

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