Well, it is a well known fact that RARE where one of the shining lights during the days of the N64, but now they have moved to MS can they thrive? Nintendo, I feel, allow a better creative flow for their developers, they alowed RARE to breathe, take their time and deliver a great end product. No doubt RARE are still a special company, but are they going to find it difficult now that they have to work for MS. You can't imagine MS taking the same angles are views as Nintendo, it just aint gonna happen. They will want there games out and selling, Nintendo are more willing to wait and nurture. RARE might be okay, but lots of their best workers were horrified about the move and went to Free Radical and Acclaim Cheltenham where they could be free again. So, will RARE be the same as when they reigned supreme on the N64, one things for sure, unless Kameo looks better for E3 there might just be problems...