Games [you want] for the revolution?

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Instead of hijacking Arkyris's thread, thought I'd make a seperate thread for games you'd like to see on the Revolution, be it existing franchises or ideas for a brand new one. And of course how you'd like the controller used.

I'm going to shoot for another Killer 7 here (can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet). The control method in the first Killer 7 would port over perfectly to the Rev. control with either a flick left/right or prod forward to pick a path, all the shooting would work perfect with the pointer, 'A' to scan for Heaven Smile and the 'b' trigger for shooting, and finally to move forward back a simple tilt up or down. All done with just the freehand style, no need for nunchuck.

Without doubt this would actually make Killer 7 a better game, Capcom may be getting a little email from me at some point - sadly the game bombed on the market. But you never know, revolutionary new control methods might change that...

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Wario Ware
Super Smash Brothers
Super Mario Kart
Mario 128
Metroid Prime 3
(at first) Any good games that show off the controller.
Super Monkey Ball Smilie
Burnout 5...etc
Nintendogs or similar

See no Wiivil
Hear no Wiivil
Speak no Wiivil
Guest 21.09.2005#3

I mentioned this before in Mason's thread, but games that would make perfect sense with the freehand controller:

Marionette: as Mason described, you hold the controller like the wood on which the strings are attached and use the A and B button for attacks. Tilting the remote would make puppet mario turn, and to get mario higher to reach platforms and avoid spiked enemies and such, you would lift the controller.

Pilotwings: just hold that controller in your hand like an paper airplane, tilting to tilt the plane, rolling to roll the plane etc, you get the idea. Now this is a game which is just made for the Revolution. Also think of hanggliding over vast lands and seas and the amount of controll you'll have, beautiful!

F-zero: this can also be controlled with the freehand controller. Want to go right or left; just wave the controller in that direction. A for acceleration, B for attacks.

Zelda Swordfight: an idea originally offered by IGN(or was it N-sider?), you could fight with Link and Gannondorf by swiping, slashing and stabbing your sword by doing the same with the remote. It would really immerse you in the fight.

im not too sure about F Zero or indeed any racing game working that well with the revo control. with F Zero especially you have to have pin point accuracy to take corners perfectly, and thst hard enough to do with a convential control, let alone freehand.

Guest 21.09.2005#5

Hmm, maybe not waving, but slighly tilting the controller to steer then. And tilting fast to take sharp corners of course. Of course we have to wait to see how sensitive this new controll method is, but I think it could work very good actually.

Regardless of the controller I want to see Resident Evil 5. That would make my day. Other than that...

I want a ultra-futuristic battlemech game. Chrome Hounds doesn't quite fit the bill, but if it comes out on the Rev I will no doubt purchase it to get my meching requirments. I hope Nintendo bring out an iteration of Custom Robo utilising the control scheme.

A RTS, a really well done RTS. Preferably something fast paced ala StarCraft.

In all honesty, with the control scheme, I just dont know what I want. They've shown me something i've never seen before and I just want anything for it. Though a next-gen version of Nintendogs would make my heart melt.

EDIT: OH! How could I forget. Peter Molyneux, give me Black and White Rev... do it, the control is perfect for it, you know it, I know it so just do it already.

( Edited on 21.09.2005 16:00 by Arkyris )

New games

Projekt Offset
Half Life 3
Age of Empires 4 (should works fiiiine with the Revo control)
Metal Gear Solid 4
Splinter Cell 4
Prince of Persia 4
Resident Evil 5
Hitman 5
Unreal Tournament 2007

-Wii rules the world.
-But sir?, Wii dont rules it.
-I dont mean Wii you stupid, i mean Wii.
-What? You sad Wii dont and then Wii does? WTF??

I'd like to see Sega bring over there Project Rub series, that would be quite interesting.
GoldenSun RPG
Viewtiful Joe game
A 2D worms game would be quite cool but chances are it would be 3D.
Ghost Recon game would be cool, slowly moving around using the REV controller to snipe bad guys.
A dance rythym game maby using Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan type system.

An on railes shooter, maby we could see the return of Duck Hunt.

ALan Titchmarsh's Pro Gardener were you get an empty plot of land and using the controller as a virtual spade you can dig in it maby then use it as a virtual watering can or a slug pellet sprinkler (or just use salt) and get those bad slugs!

( Edited on 21.09.2005 16:16 by Blade2t3 )

I want a ultra-futuristic battlemech game. Chrome Hounds doesn't quite fit the bill, but if it comes out on the Rev I will no doubt purchase it to get my meching requirments. I hope Nintendo bring out an iteration of Custom Robo utilising the control scheme.

I would like to see some Zone Of The Enders action from Konami. I really enjoyed those games. The control scheme could use up and down for depth, A being the sword attack, B being the gun. The analogue stick for moving forward and turning.

I would also like to see a new game from Nintendo that is based on Jet Set Gemini. I never really got to play this, the closest i got was Starfox Assault. You could run using A (Digital) or Analogue Stick (Analogue) then obviously you would use the controller to point around shooting stuff.

As for rumoured/announced titles in the first months of the Revo: SSB Revo, Wario Ware, Mario Kart, Metroid Prime 3.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

I want my Marionette game, for a start.

Wario Ware Revolution, Katamari Damacy Revolution, Golden Sun, Metroid Prime 3 (confirmed), Smash Bros. Revolution (confirmed), Black & White, Jedi Knight Revolution, House Of The Dead 4, Resident Evil 5...those are just a few.

Craig, brilliant idea. Zone Of The Enders using that controller would be astounding.

Timesplitters 4!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super Monkey Ball
Mario 128
Proper Donkey Kong game
Super Smash bros.
Pilot Wings
Metroid Prime 3
Mario "Remote" Tennis Smilie

( Edited on 21.09.2005 17:08 by Mr. DATA )

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

The Legend of Zelda; a Heroes Blade

Uses the sword fighting demo heavily, basically this is your normal Zelda game, with the controls slightly altered. Swinging the controller around operates Links sword, the analogue stick is used to move Link. I'd quite like to see this game in first person actually

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

SUPER MONKEY BALL!- For God sake it's the most obvious thing EVER- and Super Monkey Ball Rocks anyway

Luigi's Mansion- Imagine swinging the controller left and right desperately trying to suck up ghosts!

Jungle Beat sequel- Just because it's needed, hopefully with the bongos still intact.

And hopefully a few RTS games will make it across as well!

( Edited on 21.09.2005 17:13 by fenno2001 )

Nice sig Chrise.

oo, I forgot somthing...

Kid Ikarus anyone Smilie

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

i hate his sig, i think i'll block it. Smilie

Never played kid icarus, but i would really want house of the dead 4!!! Smilie

( Edited on 21.09.2005 18:31 by linkman26 )

Phantasy Star Online


With very good online support Smilie

We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh

mario 128
super smash bros
mario kart.

My Name Is Kizarny
hizave yizou sizeen thize hizuman bizlockhead

Ultimate co-mega pirate people (name in progress)

You could say move the controller as to move the sails (on a ship) when the wind direction changes. FPS action could be included by positioning cannons and the yank down on the controller to pull the cannon string, You copuld command a hole fleet of ships with some RTS action, you could even still use the controller as a sword when assaulting another ship without just tacking that feature onto an existing franchise such as zelda. You could clean the decks by using the controller as a mop. Oh yes you could have a barrel of fun indeed.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

1st person Zelda, you must be mad! But then again look at MP, it could be good but I doubt it.

It's what I had in mind.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Lord Of the Rings: The revenge of Gollum.
Developed and Produced by EA.

EA Chief Executive Managering Senior Partner:

"We had a tough time trying to figuire out how we could use the Revolution's Revolutionary controller to it's full extent. Suddenly it came to us. The revolution controller has a B button right. Problem solved.
We just hope we come up with something as brilliant for "FIFA: Inner City Slum", ermm, I mean..."

( Edited on 22.09.2005 18:13 by monkeyman )

King of the 'League of Kings'||My deviantART|| My Photography

SUPER SMASH BROS. and thats all i care about right now. i hope it is online.


Actually i never thought of KILLER7 nice one '10do Smilie
We all know that SSB, MP3, FFCC... are coming to Rev but apart from those!

-Resident Evil 5
-OKAMI (everyone thinks it should be for DS with the styles but imagine it on the Rev Smilie i reckon it would be really great game!!
-Viewtiful Joe

-Soul Calibur 4 Smilie
-Tekken 6 Smilie
-Ridge Racer 6 looks awsome it should be on Rev it probably will!


-James Bond 007

-StarWars game

-Warcraft game

-F Zero

-1080 Avalanche

-Mario Sunshine 2 (oh i can dream!!!)

-Wario Ware


-Luigis Mansion
We will probably see a MARIO KART game and a POKEMON game on the Rev so there is no point wishing coz both those games/genres sell millions!

This is all i can think right now apart from whats been mentioned!! Smilie

( Edited on 21.09.2005 21:13 by Nintendo_Maniac )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Duck Hunt eXtreme: You KNOW you would buy it! Smilie

Sonic Revolution: Can't really think of any details at the moment, but I reckon movement would work quite well (if the engine was based on the Sonic Adventures). It seems like the kind of game that would benefit from a very intuitive controller input.

On some of the speedier sections of SA 1 and 2 as well as Heroes occasionally it felt like the control stick alone couldn't quite hack it. Holding forwards for a prolonged period of time and trying to carefully move left and right slightly as well did pose occasionally problems, me thinks the revo controller could easily fix that!

Wario Ware: Mentioned the idea briefly in another thread, would feature a plethora of mini games to show of what the revolution and its controller can do. Just like Nintendo did for the DS but on an even grander and more imaginative scale hopefully!

Orchestration: The Game: Just another idea for the idea of waving the revo controller around the place. Rather than traditional ideas like tennis, swords fighting or fishing I think conducting a gradually more complex orchestra would make a great game. If developed by Nintendo it could even feature classic vintage tunes!

Plus the obvious ones like Mario, Zelda but people have already mentioned them and I don't really have any better ideas for them just now.

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]


How would SSBM work? Such a fast game to try and control, I can't imagine how I'd control it, but I do want it badly.

I'd like to see the first ace Star Wars game with a lightsabre in it. Lightsabre combat, in games, is pants. Poo. Crap.

Using the controller like a lightsabre, combat could change completely. The different buttons could be set to light/dark side powers and used with the analogue stick, you could have a game where one fight might last for ages while moving across a large area with the usaul Jedi acrobatics.

And, a lightsabre is more than a weapon. It is a Jedi's tool. Going through the game, opening blast doors with a lightsabre, using force powers to manipulate your environment; all with next-gen physics and graphics, so you could affect anything.

"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh." Fly fast, stay low, hit hard
Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

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