Instead of hijacking Arkyris's thread, thought I'd make a seperate thread for games you'd like to see on the Revolution, be it existing franchises or ideas for a brand new one. And of course how you'd like the controller used.
I'm going to shoot for another Killer 7 here (can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet). The control method in the first Killer 7 would port over perfectly to the Rev. control with either a flick left/right or prod forward to pick a path, all the shooting would work perfect with the pointer, 'A' to scan for Heaven Smile and the 'b' trigger for shooting, and finally to move forward back a simple tilt up or down. All done with just the freehand style, no need for nunchuck.
Without doubt this would actually make Killer 7 a better game, Capcom may be getting a little email from me at some point - sadly the game bombed on the market. But you never know, revolutionary new control methods might change that...
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."