All Games Beginning With 'B' Reviews

Game Name Publisher C3 Score Add
Back in 1995Back in 1995Ratalaika Games1/10Add Back in 1995 to your collection Add Back in 1995 to your wishlist
Bad NorthBad NorthRaw Fury Games6/10Add Bad North to your collection Add Bad North to your wishlist
BakeruBakeruSpike Chunsoft6/10Add Bakeru to your collection Add Bakeru to your wishlist
BaldurBaldur's Gate & Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced EditionsIdeaSpark Labs8/10Add Baldur Add Baldur
BaldurBaldur's Gate: Dark Alliance IIInterplay6/10Add Baldur Add Baldur
Baldur’s Gate: Dark AllianceBaldur’s Gate: Dark AllianceInterplay6/10Add Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance to your collection Add Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance to your wishlist
Batman: The Telltale SeriesBatman: The Telltale SeriesTelltale6/10Add Batman: The Telltale Series to your collection Add Batman: The Telltale Series to your wishlist
Battle AxeBattle AxeNumskull8/10Add Battle Axe to your collection Add Battle Axe to your wishlist
Battle BrothersBattle BrothersUkiyo Publishing8/10Add Battle Brothers to your collection Add Battle Brothers to your wishlist
Battle Chasers: NightwarBattle Chasers: NightwarTHQ Nordic8/10Add Battle Chasers: Nightwar to your collection Add Battle Chasers: Nightwar to your wishlist
Battle Chef BrigadeBattle Chef BrigadeAdult Swim Games8/10Add Battle Chef Brigade to your collection Add Battle Chef Brigade to your wishlist
Battle Princess MadelynBattle Princess MadelynCasual Bit5/10Add Battle Princess Madelyn to your collection Add Battle Princess Madelyn to your wishlist
Battlezone: Gold EditionBattlezone: Gold EditionRebellionInteract6/10Add Battlezone: Gold Edition to your collection Add Battlezone: Gold Edition to your wishlist
BayonettaBayonettaNintendo8/10Add Bayonetta to your collection Add Bayonetta to your wishlist
Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary BundleBayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary BundleSEGA8/10Add Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle to your collection Add Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle to your wishlist
Bayonetta 2Bayonetta 2Nintendo9/10Add Bayonetta 2 to your collection Add Bayonetta 2 to your wishlist
Bayonetta 3Bayonetta 3Nintendo5/10Add Bayonetta 3 to your collection Add Bayonetta 3 to your wishlist
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost DemonBayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost DemonNintendo8/10Add Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon to your collection Add Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon to your wishlist
Beasts of Maravilla IslandBeasts of Maravilla IslandWhitethorn7/10Add Beasts of Maravilla Island to your collection Add Beasts of Maravilla Island to your wishlist
Beautiful DesolationBeautiful DesolationUntold Tales7/10Add Beautiful Desolation to your collection Add Beautiful Desolation to your wishlist
Before the NightBefore the NightCFK8/10Add Before the Night to your collection Add Before the Night to your wishlist
Beholder: Complete EditionBeholder: Complete EditionCurve Digital5/10Add Beholder: Complete Edition to your collection Add Beholder: Complete Edition to your wishlist
Ben 10Ben 10Outright Games3/10Add Ben 10 to your collection Add Ben 10 to your wishlist
Best Friend ForeverBest Friend ForeverAlliance7/10Add Best Friend Forever to your collection Add Best Friend Forever to your wishlist
Beyond a Steel SkyBeyond a Steel SkyMicroids7/10Add Beyond a Steel Sky to your collection Add Beyond a Steel Sky to your wishlist
Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary EditionBeyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary EditionUbisoft7/10Add Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition to your collection Add Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition to your wishlist
Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. BrainBig Brain Academy: Brain vs. BrainNintendo7/10Add Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain to your collection Add Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain to your wishlist
Big Helmet HeroesBig Helmet HeroesDear Villagers6/10Add Big Helmet Heroes to your collection Add Big Helmet Heroes to your wishlist
BiomutantBiomutantTHQ Nordic6/10Add Biomutant to your collection Add Biomutant to your wishlist
Bitlogic: A Cyberpunk Adventure Bitlogic: A Cyberpunk Adventure OXiAB Game Studio6/10Add Bitlogic: A Cyberpunk Adventure  to your collection Add Bitlogic: A Cyberpunk Adventure  to your wishlist
Blade Runner: Enhanced EditionBlade Runner: Enhanced EditionNight Dive7/10Add Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition to your collection Add Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition to your wishlist
Blade StrangersBlade StrangersNicalis6/10Add Blade Strangers to your collection Add Blade Strangers to your wishlist
Bladed FuryBladed FuryNumskull7/10Add Bladed Fury to your collection Add Bladed Fury to your wishlist
Blades of TimeBlades of TimeGaijinDistribution2/10Add Blades of Time to your collection Add Blades of Time to your wishlist
Blair WitchBlair WitchBloober Team4/10Add Blair Witch to your collection Add Blair Witch to your wishlist
BlasphemousBlasphemousTeam178/10Add Blasphemous to your collection Add Blasphemous to your wishlist
Blasphemous 2Blasphemous 2Team179/10Add Blasphemous 2 to your collection Add Blasphemous 2 to your wishlist
Blaster Master ZeroBlaster Master ZeroInti Creates7/10Add Blaster Master Zero to your collection Add Blaster Master Zero to your wishlist
Blaster Master Zero 2Blaster Master Zero 2Inti Creates8/10Add Blaster Master Zero 2 to your collection Add Blaster Master Zero 2 to your wishlist
Blaster Master Zero 3Blaster Master Zero 3SunSoft7/10Add Blaster Master Zero 3 to your collection Add Blaster Master Zero 3 to your wishlist
BlazBlue: Central Fiction Special EditionBlazBlue: Central Fiction Special EditionPQube7/10Add BlazBlue: Central Fiction Special Edition to your collection Add BlazBlue: Central Fiction Special Edition to your wishlist
BlazBlue: Cross Tag BattleBlazBlue: Cross Tag BattlePQube6/10Add BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle to your collection Add BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle to your wishlist
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Ver. 2.0BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Ver. 2.0PQube5/10Add BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Ver. 2.0 to your collection Add BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Ver. 2.0 to your wishlist
Blazing ChromeBlazing ChromeThe Arcade Crew9/10Add Blazing Chrome to your collection Add Blazing Chrome to your wishlist
BleedBleedDigerati Distribution8/10Add Bleed to your collection Add Bleed to your wishlist
Bleed 2Bleed 2Digerati Distribution8/10Add Bleed 2 to your collection Add Bleed 2 to your wishlist
Blizzard Arcade CollectionBlizzard Arcade CollectionBlizzard9/10Add Blizzard Arcade Collection to your collection Add Blizzard Arcade Collection to your wishlist
BloodrootsBloodrootsPaper Cult7/10Add Bloodroots to your collection Add Bloodroots to your wishlist
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2Inti Creates9/10Add Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 to your collection Add Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 to your wishlist
Bloomtown: A Different StoryBloomtown: A Different StoryTwin Sails Interactive6/10Add Bloomtown: A Different Story to your collection Add Bloomtown: A Different Story to your wishlist
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping KingBlossom Tales: The Sleeping KingFDG8/10Add Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King to your collection Add Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King to your wishlist
Blue FireBlue FireGraffiti Games7/10Add Blue Fire to your collection Add Blue Fire to your wishlist
Bob Help ThemBob Help ThemNo Gravity Games6/10Add Bob Help Them to your collection Add Bob Help Them to your wishlist
Bomb ChickenBomb ChickenNitrome6/10Add Bomb Chicken to your collection Add Bomb Chicken to your wishlist
BonkiesBonkiesCrunching Koalas6/10Add Bonkies to your collection Add Bonkies to your wishlist
Boo PartyBoo PartyEastAsiaSoft6/10Add Boo Party to your collection Add Boo Party to your wishlist
Book of DemonsBook of Demons505 Games8/10Add Book of Demons to your collection Add Book of Demons to your wishlist
Borderlands: Legendary CollectionBorderlands: Legendary Collection2K8/10Add Borderlands: Legendary Collection to your collection Add Borderlands: Legendary Collection to your wishlist
Bravely Default IIBravely Default IISquare Enix9/10Add Bravely Default II to your collection Add Bravely Default II to your wishlist
BRAWLBRAWLQubicGames8/10Add BRAWL to your collection Add BRAWL to your wishlist
BrawloutBrawloutAngry Mob Games4/10Add Brawlout to your collection Add Brawlout to your wishlist
BreathedgeBreathedgeHypetrain Digital4/10Add Breathedge to your collection Add Breathedge to your wishlist
Brigandine: The Legend of RunersiaBrigandine: The Legend of RunersiaHappinet8/10Add Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia to your collection Add Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia to your wishlist
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s CurseBroken Sword 5: The Serpent’s CurseRevolution8/10Add Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse to your collection Add Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse to your wishlist
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s CurseBroken Sword 5: The Serpent’s CurseRevolution7/10Add Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse to your collection Add Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse to your wishlist
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars ReforgedBroken Sword: Shadow of the Templars ReforgedRevolution7/10Add Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars Reforged to your collection Add Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars Reforged to your wishlist
Brothers: A Tale of Two SonsBrothers: A Tale of Two Sons505 Games7/10Add Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons to your collection Add Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons to your wishlist
Bubble Bobble 4 FriendsBubble Bobble 4 FriendsININ Games5/10Add Bubble Bobble 4 Friends to your collection Add Bubble Bobble 4 Friends to your wishlist
Buddy Simulator 1984Buddy Simulator 1984Feardemic7/10Add Buddy Simulator 1984 to your collection Add Buddy Simulator 1984 to your wishlist
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling DANGEN8/10Add Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling  to your collection Add Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling  to your wishlist
Bulb BoyBulb BoyBulbware5/10Add Bulb Boy to your collection Add Bulb Boy to your wishlist
Burly Men at SeaBurly Men at SeaPlug In Digital6/10Add Burly Men at Sea to your collection Add Burly Men at Sea to your wishlist
Burnout Paradise RemasteredBurnout Paradise RemasteredEA8/10Add Burnout Paradise Remastered to your collection Add Burnout Paradise Remastered to your wishlist
BUTCHERBUTCHERCrunching Koalas6/10Add BUTCHER to your collection Add BUTCHER to your wishlist
Button CityButton CitySubliminal6/10Add Button City to your collection Add Button City to your wishlist

Showing reviews 1 to 75 of 75

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