A sequel of an obscure JRPG no one ever thought would see a sequel - By Eric Ace
Hell hath no yuri like a woman scorned. - By Coller Entragian
Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster in this vibrant new Mana title! - By Nayu
Its time the save the Earth once again, let's hear your battle cry! E! D! F! - By Eric Ace
Also known as the man who died on the job and was resurrected to go back to work: The Game. - By Coller Entragian
What started as a mobile game comes out as a pretty good full-length JRPG. - By Eric Ace
Fill in the gaps between Yakuza 6 and 8 by playing Kiryu's story! - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
A surprise DLC for this JRPG, but how does it hold up? - By Eric Ace
Say hello to the cutest Harvest Goddess ever! - By Nayu
Attractive anime androids philosophise on pending possible personhood - By Eric Ace
Return to Kate Walker's adventures in this new entry to the renowned adventure game series Syberia. - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
Aim the gun to de-escalate. - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
Face a veritable horde of dinosaurs in this team-based online action title from Capcom! - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
The first-person shooter that caused a seismic shift is back and more comprehensive than ever! - By Coller Entragian
Valisthea is about to get a shake up! - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
"Nobody likes you! You don't have any friends!" - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
Cute mouse goes adventuring. - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
'Avin' a blast! - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
Ready for some slime? - By Athanasios