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Read review for Darkwatch - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

For a handful of vampires. - By Athanasios

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Read review for Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

As soon as FFX-2 dropped in Europe, Japan received an updated International version. Time to look back at this PS2 enhancement of Yuna's second quest. - By Drew Hurley

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Read review for Final Fantasy X-2 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Who knew that Final Fantasy X-2 would be the one to push the series forward so much? - By Coller Entragian

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Read review for Silent Hill 3 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Silent Hill 3 is still creepy, still atmospheric, still mysterious, and still… Silent Hill. Is it still good, though? - By Athanasios

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Read review for Silent Hill 2 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Can you kill inner demons with a rifle? Cubed3 pays a visit to the strange, 15-year-old world of Silent Hill 2 to find out. - By Athanasios

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Read review for Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

After the critical failings of Devil May Cry 2, the series heads back in time to start fresh and make amends. - By Renan Fontes

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Read review for Devil May Cry 2 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Panned by critics and fans alike in 2003, has time vindicated Devil May Cry 2's rocky launch? - By Renan Fontes

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Read review for Devil May Cry - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Fifteen years ago, Devil May Cry defined a genre, but does it still hold up after all this time? - By Renan Fontes

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Read review for Suikoden III - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Fate intertwines the paths of three souls, who will form an alliance, and protect a war-torn land from a malevolent force. - By Athanasios

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Read review for Legend of Kay - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

An old PS2 action adventure pearl that was slightly overlooked upon its initial release, has Legend of Kay kept its charm after 10 years? - By Luna Eriksson

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Read review for Gradius V - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Japanese shoot 'em up fans consider this one of the greatest of the genre. With Gradius V now digitally available on PS3, Cubed3 sees how it holds up today. - By Drew Hurley

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