Ryu Hayabusa is back doing what he does best. - By Az Elias
Restore the world of Wasteland as Epic Mickey gets a new paint job. - By Az Elias
Take on several World War II fronts in this real-time strategy simulator. - By David Lovato
Balance daily life and dungeon battles in this re-made JRPG! - By Steven Mattern
Take an X-COM light, add spaceships and then a bunch of cats. - By Eric Ace
Venture forth into this immersive Dungeons & Dragons title! - By Steven Mattern
FM's 20th anniversary offering is a pleasant closing chapter for this generation of football sims. - By Chris Leebody
Something goes bump in the family. - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
A Final Fantasy Tactics clone with excellent sprite work but not so great gameplay. - By Eric Ace
Bigger does sometimes mean better! - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
Manipulate electrical lifeforms in this unique, new genre of game! - By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson
A fun roguelike beat 'em up that unfortunately feels like it's in early access. - By Eric Ace