Cubed3 looks back on a title that single-handedly justifies owning a GameCube: Metroid Prime. - By Jordan Hurst
The legend is reinvented in this master's quest. Renan looks back at the Ocarina of Time / Master Quest bonus disc that came with The Wind Waker on GameCube. - By Renan Fontes
Resident Evil has been done to death - literally - but luckily Nintendo got the best of the crop. - By Reece Warrender
Krusty by name, Krusty by nature? - By Adam Riley
About as fun as having your face mauled by a dog... - By James Temperton
If football is better than sex this game is better than having sex with a football... - By James Temperton
The Original Trilogy, the Second Game, The First Movies, LEGO! - By Karn Spydar Lee Bianco
How does the latest EA Sports American football iteration hold up? Cubed3 reviews. - By Adam Riley
The only way England are ever going to win the World Cup this year... - By James Temperton
Fo Shizzle ma nizzle, dis iz glitchy! - By John Boyle