Waku Waku Sweets (Nintendo Switch) Review

By Nayu 26.09.2020

Review for Waku Waku Sweets on Nintendo Switch

From the title screen, to every image in the story, Waku Waku Sweets, which originated on the Nintendo 3DS under the title Waku Waku Sweets: Happy Sweets Making, oozes cuteness. From the main character who can be named anything but has the default name Lime, her magical fairy companion Puffee whose temper is a sight to behold, and the colleagues at the local café, everyone is brightly coloured, and pleasing to the eye - everything that defines 'kawaii.' Making both traditional Japanese and Western sweet treats provides an inspiring game concept that can encourage experimenting with cooking in real life. Making sweets to make people happy sounds like a perfect game for those who love positivity portrayed in cute forms. Sadly that is not the case.

It must be noted that this reviewer originally played the 3DS Japanese version on the game which was incredible. The transition from two screens to one is done in a way that it seems perfectly natural for there to be just the one screen. Every recipe has clear instructions, and the movements are easy to do with the Joy-Con. There are dozens of recipes to master, from mochi to strawberry cake; a true library of sweets for budding pâtissiers, or those who just love pudding.

Recipes are gained by earning money through working at the shop. In free time the player can go to a variety of locations where they usually meet another character who may ask for a specific dessert, which if it is already held by Lime can be given to them and raises popularity. If the item isn't on hand then the player is left feeling miserable by not making the NPC happy.

Screenshot for Waku Waku Sweets on Nintendo Switch

The feel good graphics and aim to become a great sweet maker is massively let down by a game mechanic that was not present in the 3DS version. It is expected that cooking games provide some help on how to perform each action, making it easier for the player. Waku Waku Sweets takes this concept one step too far, making the player watch the hints for each step in each recipe before doing it, with no way to turn off the suggestions, unlike the 3DS version where the tutorial can be turned off, even if the recipe has been made many times before.

It is understandable the intended main audience of the game is for younger players who need some help in figuring out what to do, but given how high the number of actions in each recipe can be, a lot of the enjoyment of this cute game rapidly disappeared leaving nothing but frustration for what was originally something that brought great joy in its cuteness. Progress to be made in the competitions and in the shop require cooking in order to get money for more recipes and some cute clothes - unfortunately, this reviewer gave up on it all because the constant tutorial made all the cooking aggravating.

Screenshot for Waku Waku Sweets on Nintendo Switch

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 4 out of 10


Waku Waku Sweets on Nintendo Switch is an example of how cute graphics do not necessarily make a fun game. The ridiculous game mechanics that swiftly remove any enjoyment from what in its original 3DS form made it a fun easy game brightening up a gamer's day, makes this version feel unplayable. The story and characters may be entertaining, but that is worthless when making the treats themselves have a permanent invasive and unavoidable tutorial mode. Perhaps a patch in the future may resolve this issue, as it is doubtful even the youngest of players need constant reminders of how to whisk a bowl or break an egg once they have accomplished it successfully themselves. Until that patch comes, go hunt out the 3DS version which can actually be enjoyed without wanting to throw the console out of a window or in a bin.


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C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  4/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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