RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore (Nintendo Switch) Review

By Coller Entragian 12.03.2019

Review for RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore on Nintendo Switch

The reason why anyone enjoys rogue-likes is because almost everything is on the line when doing a run. A "dungeon" layout, the enemy placement, and loot, are all randomized, so that every time it's played there is something unique or memorable. Playing on the edge is what has kept this genre exhilarating for many. Today there have been many other types of titles that have peppered some rogue-like elements into their formula to varying degrees of success. Why not? It can add nigh infinite replay value. What makes a great rogue-like is a delicate balance, and RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore is such example of not having all the ingredients, and coming out of the oven half-baked.

To fully understand the context of RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore, it is important that the misleadingly titled 'Tutorial' is played. This is barely a tutorial for what will ultimately be a very simplistic and basic hack-and-slash, but is more accurately the story's intro that explains the plot. Remi is magically sucked into an old timey magical book, where she befriends the high strung talking spell book, Lore. They argue, chat, and get along like two spoiled kids, while getting into hijinks - all while fighting hordes of automaton armours. Once in a while, they run into Choux who throws a boss fight at the duo. There are no towns or NPCs to interact with; just long and linear randomized stages festooned with breakable objects to collect points from which are spent on upgrades.

RemiLore does not feel like a completed product, in the sense that it is extremely shallow and barren of variety. The algorithm that generates the levels makes them linear, as they have no traps/hazards, no breakable walls, no switches or doors, or anything that most genre pros would expect. There is almost no reason why this had to have randomized stages at all since Remi is either charging down empty hallways that never have threats, or is in an arena room, fighting disposable monsters. It is an afterthought with no purpose other than to give the illusion of variety. This is rogue-like done wrong and is why many gamers find the subgenre a bit of a red flag when they hear it.

Most fans of rogue-likes will be left wanting since RemiLore is stupefyingly easy, since Remi loses nothing if she falls into battle with the exception of starting the act from the first stage. Each act is about four stages long, and they can be completed really quickly. All this does is allow players to earn absurd amounts of dessert points to power up and also pick up randomized stat upgrades. No matter what, everyone is inevitably going to win. Traditionally, in similar titles like this, users would have to start from scratch, losing all upgrades. This is likely made for much younger demographic who would otherwise be intimidated by these "hardcore" mechanics.

Screenshot for RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore on Nintendo Switch

Since this the maps have less complexity than Gauntlet Legends 64, RemiLore puts a bigger emphasis on combat. The entire game could be played on a single joycon, since co-op is a big draw for this and only four face buttons are used and the one analogue stick. The combat is easily the best and most thought-out aspect with the combo system and how spells function like a super attack from a shoot 'em up. Each weapon can only hold one spell and even then there is no guarantee that Remi is going to be able to keep it since upgrade scrolls are randomized and could possibly swap out that weapon's magic with some other attack. Dodging is responsive and can gain ground effectively, but sadly there are no means to upgrade past the default three charges, which can leave people open in dire situations.

Of the upgrades, the most important ones are the ones that increase the rate more rare weapons drop. Naturally, the rarer the weapon the more powerful they're going to be. Maxing out this stat will result in finding an S rank weapon as early as the fourth act and it will undoubtedly carry most players through a bulk of the adventure and make short work of the bosses.

RemiLore has a brain-dead enjoyment quality to it. The other weapon classes only unlock after beating certain bosses and more become available in new game plus, along with some hidden costumes. This is a very shallow experience, with some impressive visuals that almost elevate just how mediocre and repetitive the gameplay is. Nobody will play this for the story, since the interrupting dialogue is frequent and even appears when having to replay an act from continuing after a death. It is never funny or well-written, just the generic and stereotypical kind of shenanigans from a magical girl anime. The most enjoyment to be had is surviving and hanging by a thread that comes in the later stages.

Screenshot for RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore on Nintendo Switch

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 4 out of 10


The quest in RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore is inconsequential, and the only reason why anyone would play this is to have a cute hack'n slash with the utter bare minimum of rogue elements. Bringing a friend along will help keep things interesting, but there is just not enough substance to keep most hooked. It is too easy, and one has to play very carelessly in order to feel the rush of walking that razor's edge that comes with the better rogue-likes.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  4/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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