Nier: Automata - Become as Gods Edition (Xbox One) Review

By Coller Entragian 26.07.2018

Review for Nier: Automata - Become as Gods Edition on Xbox One

2017 will be remembered for being the year when Japanese games dominated the market with incredible releases back to back. The PlayStation 4, especially, got to reap most of these hits, like Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, Persona 5 and, of course, Nier Automata. While most of these would be exclusives to Sony's console, over a year after its release Nier Automata would finally grace Microsoft's lean, mean, machine to diversify its line-up. Subtitled as the Become as Gods Edition, the Xbox One version of Nier: Automata promises to be the definitive release of Yoko Taro's magnum opus; including all the DLC and enhanced visual fidelity when played on an Xbox One X. This was one of 2017's best games, but can this version make it one of the best in 2018?

Nier: Automata is one of those rare and special titles that walks a fine line where it manages to be deep but not pretentious. It is able to pull it off thanks to it embracing the videogame medium and not trying to be like a movie or one of those games that can be described as "cinematic." Every fibre of this game's being is used to emphasise its point: from doing cheeky little flourishes with the in-game UI, to using a seemingly inconsequential side-quest to subtly foreshadow a major late game event. All of this is neatly packed inside of one of the most satisfying action releases made by PlatinumGames, the premier action developer in the industry.

One of the core themes of Nier: Automata is perspectives, and that is illustrated early on in a sneaky way by having the gameplay shift around different genres. Sometimes a scrolling shoot 'em-up, other times a twin-stick shooter, 2D platformer, but mostly a 3D hack 'n' slash; all because of a simple shift of the camera. This plays into the story when control is given to other characters and how something seemingly innocuous suddenly takes on a new meaning when viewed through their eyes. This is the heart of Nier: Automata and its bleak melancholic atmosphere really makes it unlike anything else made this generation... the only thing it can be compared to are previous Yoko Taro releases. Unlike his last ones, however, this has polished and refined gameplay.

Screenshot for Nier: Automata - Become as Gods Edition on Xbox One

The ruined man-made structures and scorched wastelands, compounded with the unbelievable musical score by Keiichi Okabe and Keigo Hoashi, truly do drive home a strong sense of loss of life that most other games with similar settings fail to harness. Anyone who has played the original Nier will truly appreciate Automata's atmosphere and themes since they are so faithfully represented here. While the original game's drama was pretty evenly distributed throughout the adventure, Nier: Automata backloads the heavier plot points, making for one long, depressing, and emotionally exhausting wallop. As 2B, many open-ended, sand-boxy locations will be explored. From condemned carnivals, to a staggeringly vast open desert, Nier: Automata manages to have a strong variety of locales to both explore and do battle in. The developer does get quite a bit of mileage out of the environments as the story goes on as some of them undergo some radical changes or will feature isolated areas that have fixed camera angles to emphasise on twin-stick shooter action with hordes of droids assaulting the playable character. Hidden throughout the land, also, are various components for weapon upgrading, and even some surprisingly involving side-quests. Make no mistake - this is the biggest and most epic adventure PlatinumGames ever made.

Microsoft was very proud to showcase Nier: Automata - Become as Gods Edition during E3 2018, as it rightly should. As profound as Nier: Automata was on the PlayStation 4 and its Pro upgrade, the game was still too demanding for Sony's console. There was some stuttering here and there, very obvious and distracting low level of detail pop-up, and an egregious draw distance. This port promises to be enhanced for Xbox One X and it only is marginally an improvement. Sadly, many of the old problems on the PlayStation 4 Pro version are still here on the Xbox One X, but to a lesser extent. There are still instances of slow-down and chop. The low level of detail pop-up is still present, and the draw distance is wanting. There is some improvement, but it is only barely an upgrade.

It is not clear why Nier: Automata is such a demanding game; it isn't exactly the most visually refined and it can often look minimalistic due to the vast open locations. The 3D models are not even the densest or most complex - this is more of a "Become as Demi-Gods" edition. The DLC included is mostly a minor distraction that lacks substance, as well. The playable protagonists get access to some extra battle coliseums that exist within the world, tucked away behind locked doors. These battles are not terribly challenging to anyone who plays them on New Game Plus modes when they already have access to the best chips and weapons. Why would anyone want to play these? For the throwback costumes from classic Nier, of course! Not terribly useful, but it is a cute incentive for fans of the original.

Screenshot for Nier: Automata - Become as Gods Edition on Xbox One

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 9 out of 10

Exceptional - Gold Award

Rated 9 out of 10

In spite of all the odds against Yoko Taro's career, he has finally delivered a true masterpiece that finally delivers on all fronts, including gameplay. Environmental detail aesthetics lacking aside, Nier: Automata is an unbelievable game and one that just might make even the most stone cold hearted gamers well up into a weepy emotional mess. This is a landmark in storytelling that is one that embraces the fact it is a videogame and does not try to imitate film like the way most story-driven titles do. This is bold and weird without being pretentious, but most importantly it knows how to be a fun videogame thanks to master class action game design. While the extra DLC content is not terribly interesting and the enhancements for Xbox One X are just slight, Nier Automata: Become as Gods Edition stands as technically the best way to play it.




Square Enix


Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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