Fjong (PC) Review

By Thom Compton 06.10.2017

Review for Fjong on PC

To your left, you can see a group of whale-elephant-birds who can't seem to fly on their own, feasting on candy. Ooh, if you look close enough, there's Cubed3! Fjong is, despite being hard for some people to pronounce at first glance, a weird little game. Sure, many mobile titles have been ported to the PC, with varying results, but Fjong isn't a port; it started here. Therefore, while it may look like a mobile title, it currently isn't. The question remains, though: is it any fun? The results probably won't surprise you.

Fjong looks and feels like a mobile game. It isn't a full screen experience, leaving the area around the field of play a bright white, as though it was ripped out of Google's SDK and slapped into the Steam store without bothering to adjust the resolution. It could have even had some window dressing on the side and the resolution could have remained the same. Just white, though?

Otherwise, Fjong actually looks pretty nice. While the only world available, if you could call it that, seems to be "Forest" themed, it does manage to feel like a real and tangible world. The little creatures the player is in charge of flinging around are adorable, and manage to actually feel like they exist, in some way. This isn't to say they jump off the screen and into your heart - cue applause - but they have emotions, at least. Well, just one emotion really, and it seems to be dangerously optimistic.

The music works well enough. Fjong isn't a tough as nails physics title, it's an easy and meditative title, or at least it aspires to be. In reality, the somber, easy listening music feels more at place in a doctor's office while waiting for test results than it does in a game about chucking around adorable little crittersto get them to their candy. It's not a huge ding to Fjong as a whole, and again, as out of place as it can feel sometimes, it's still a decent soundtrack.

Screenshot for Fjong on PC

The gameplay is definitely interesting, while not being wholly unique. You must fling the little candy munchers around each level, similar to Angry Birds or Blowy Fish, getting them into their buckets of candy. Sometimes buttons need to be pushed, sometimes there's no candy and a new big-nosed beast needs to be released. Some of the mechanics given to you feel fun, like springs, while others, like free rotating wooden planks, are annoying and do nothing to extend the fun.

The physics, a central point to games like this, are not always up to par, however, especially once you get the yellow winged elephant monster, whose whole angle is being extremely heavy, the physics feel off from time to time. The game does work consistently, however, so it's not like there are moments where the physics just change. Still, it means that there's a degree of luck involved in landing the little monsters where they need to go.

This is also very short, with only twenty levels. There's some replayability, as you can try to get each stage completed in under the par moves and walk away with three stars. Also, there are purple stars that can be sought out, as well as a secret level to be unlocked and played that doesn't play much like the main event at all. At the low price point, this lack of depth may slide for some, but for others, it will be a bit steep for how much is available.

Screenshot for Fjong on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 5 out of 10


Fjong is a decent game wrapped in some weird design choices; namely, should this be on the PC, or on mobile devices. Regardless, it features decent controls that occasionally feel wonky, and not much beyond the main action to really do. Truth be told, fans of physics games should definitely give it a shot, but for everyone else, don't expect Fjong to change your mind.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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