By Adam Riley 12.09.2017
When Nintendo released Metroid Fusion for Game Boy Advance, it had fans up in arms, as some absolutely adored it, like here at Cubed3, whilst others thought it paled in comparison to the legendary third Metroid entry, Super Metroid. What followed on the GBA, though, was not something to build upon Fusion and appease any detractors, but rather a back-to-basics approach. Nintendo decided, instead, to take Metroid from the NES and give it a modern day lick of paint, for the sublime Metroid: Zero Mission. That was over 13 years ago, though, and Metroid: Other M on Wii was just not what followers of Samus Aran's escapades had been hankering for. Years later, having pitched a remake of Metroid Fusion initially, series producer Sakamoto declined MercurySteam's offer in favour of getting the Spanish-based team - who previously worked on the Castlevania series for Konami - to work with him on resurrecting the oft-forgotten 1992 black-and-white, scaled down Metroid outing, Metroid II: Returns of Samus. The end result is Metroid: Samus Returns, and it is everything you could have hoped for, and more.
Forget trying to draw comparisons between this 2017 release and the old Game Boy release of Metroid II; Metroid: Samus Returns comes across more as a brand-new entry in the series, mixing the core concept of the classic sequel, but adjusting the pacing to make sure the key requirement of the adventure - killing the set number of Metroids around planet SR388, where Samus Aran has been sent to remove the alien scourge once and for all - is no longer as linear as before. The concept of having to unlock new areas by removing a set number of Metroid threats is still present, but being able to travel freely around the planet using teleportation pods means that accessing alternate routes and finding hidden secrets using the tools currently at hand has a greater emphasis to spice up the action and allows for a lot of free roaming.
There are also weapons and moves available to the venerable space bounty hunter that never featured before, some lifted from post-Metroid II releases, as well as an extensive map function to keep track of where key items are (exposed using a very helpful, limited-range pulse that temporarily shows where breakable blocks are in the nearby vicinity, reveals more map area, and even gives hints to where other Metroids are hiding by irritating them into a short roar of anger/distress), and it goes from there, with this being a strong amalgamation of different 2D Metroid adventures. This is, for all intents and purposes, like a successor to Super Metroid, or at least strongly in the vein of Metroid Fusion or Zero Mission.
Samus starts off her latest mission with not just a basic set of armour and weaponry, but also the new ability to parry against certain enemies when they swoop in for attack, as well as use free aiming. Parrying at the right time then auto-aims at the enemy whilst they lay stunned, and blasting away quickly destroys them, allowing for safe(r) passage, and the free aim makes life far easier than the clunkier, angled shots of the past. Being able to run around, shooting in all directions means that sometimes foes can be cleared from a distance, saving precious health for later battles, but it is still possible to lock Samus' arm-gun in a set position for those more accurate shots required, rather than always loosely shooting and hoping for the best. MercurySteam and Nintendo have tried to make this as flexible as possible to bring in not just old-school Metroid fans, but newcomers to the series, as well.
For those unfamiliar with the Metroid setup, there are differing door types dotted around an intricate maze of a world, all laid out on the touch screen. Certain doors are opened by specific weapons, so even early on it may not be possible to proceed until other avenues have been explored and the correct gear has been claimed. The same goes for all of the areas on the Metroids' home planet, with the Chozo crafting an intricate maze-like network that can only be accessed using Metroid DNA, meaning Ms. Aran must destroy enough Metroid energy on her way to drain the poisonous liquid found the deeper and deeper she delves into the beyond. A current running total of how many Metroids are left on the planet, and how many DNA strains have been collected, are usefully shown on the touch screen.
In fact, the touch screen is used to great effect in other ways, as well, showing the map of the current area, giving access to special functions like the map-revealing pulse mentioned earlier, a special body shield, multi-fire ability and others gained along the way, as well as being able to quickly change between beam types for Samus' firepower (again, once other options are gained), and even tapping on the centre of the screen swiftly morphs her into a ball. The whole control system is extremely smooth and so intuitive, taking the basic Game Boy system and transforming it into something that feels like it was naturally made for 3DS from the ground up. Long-term fans will be bowled over by the love and attention that has gone into this, from the internal team that has clearly been desperate to do a proper 2D Metroid again, in tandem with an external team that obviously has a deep affection for the series in general.
On her travels, Samus does not simply face the same Metroid type every time, and the same goes for general enemies, with stronger colour variants of the latter appearing, alongside new monsters, whereas the former come in different forms, as well. There are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and even Omega Metroids, each with new attack patterns, dangerous firepower, and little tricks to catch gamers out, sometimes even scurrying away to another location when hurt. There are also intense chase scenes that will occur seemingly out of nowhere, showing that there is a hidden threat in addition to the Metroid beings.
A lot of the game can be taken at a slow pace, with the varied sections of SR388 being a true pleasure to navigate - even when having to overcome the numerous hazards along the way - so when something fast and non-stop kicks in, get ready for adrenaline levels to start pumping like crazy. Thankfully, in addition to the regular save pods and energy/ammunition replenishing stations, there are auto-save checkpoints, meaning that dying during a Metroid fight, for instance, regenerates Samus just outside of the battle area, complete with whatever energy and firepower she had before death.
Almost everything has been considered, with any omissions really not springing to mind, as this features all the classic elements that made the series so loved, whilst adding in new ways to combat alien critters and help to make world exploration less frustrating. This is right up there with the best of the Metroid series, and a must for fans new and old alike.
This is right up there with Super Metroid in terms of sheer class, taking the spirit of Metroid II: Return of Samus and transforming it so wondrously for the modern day that it is barely recognisable, with a plethora of brand-new extras thrown in. Metroid: Samus Returns is no mere remake of a Game Boy classic; it is a love letter to the Metroid series, and a thorough reimagining of the core concept, adding in some favourite elements from later releases, and new content that fits hand in glove. Lay any concerns down, as this is top notch entertainment through and through.
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