By Ian Soltes 27.08.2017
American football is a baffling concept to many. After all, why isn't the ball round with black and white shapes on it? What is a 'linebacker,' anyways? Why does the quarterback have a lizard tale, and why is the opposing team all short and green? The Legendary Edition of American Football 2 is now out for play!
American Football 2: Legendary Edition is shockingly similar to a title previously reviewed by Cubed3 back in 2015 called Blood Bowl 2. In fact, one might even say that they are the same base game, but American Football 2: Legendary Edition truly captures what the gridiron feels like. For starters, unlike the fast and action-paced game of football (soccer to American readers), this sport takes place over a series of turns. The goal of the game seems to be rather straight forwards in that it is focused almost entirely on beating the snot out of the opposing team while some strange form of ball comes into play at some point. On occasion the ball will progress far enough down the field to reach an area known as 'the endzone' but this seems to happen largely after the opposing team has been beaten into a pulp.
The game itself seems to be rather bizarre for a professional sport in that its outcomes appear to be determined by a series of dice rolls as opposed to real-time action. This system can be surprisingly interesting and provide a solid amount of enjoyment to those inclined to such a thing. Keeping players functioning and healthy while having the success of the various actions determined in such a manner can be noteworthy at times, though it does seem baffling to those whom enjoy proper sports such as golf or underwater rugby.
In a nod to the racial diversity of the Americans there is an astounding amount of races represented as well. Elves? Lizardmen? Dwarves? All readily available and playable. In fact, it's surprising, given the recent racial tensions and constant negative media representation, but even the undead are represented. American Football 2 is truly a haven of racial diversity with every race previously available as DLC represented as well. Even the expanded rulebook, previously not included for reasons unknown (likely so the referee could pummel players then claim it was legal) is included under the name 'official expansion' which would mean that this game includes all previous DLC and the base game all wrapped up in one. Truly American salesmanship at its finest.
Although now it is worth the wonder. While American football may be great for the Yanks over the sea, is it truly for everyone? It dare be said that anyone not invested in this style of play would be very disinterested. After all, while the Man vs. Horse sport is popular in Wales, one would hardly expect someone from Brazil to enjoy it. Someone more inclined towards traditional sports games might not appreciate the slower gameplay and racial diversity included within. However, with not only the base game, but all the expanded rules included, there is little doubt that this is an unquestioned upgrade.
With it being an unquestioned upgrade there is no question as to its score. The only issue, once more, is that it is a game which only those distinctly interested in sports and dice would be interested in. For those who are, however, being a full-on upgrade makes it an ideal entry point. However, it is worth noting just how oddly similar this game is to Blood Bowl 2: Legendary Edition. Clearly the latter ripped off the former!
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