Mr. Know It All (iOS) Review

By Luna Eriksson 17.06.2017

Review for Mr. Know It All on iOS

Is a water heater hot? Are cigarettes healthy for you? Is a dog a vegetable? The answers to these questions might at first seem crystal clear, but can these be answered correctly when put under tight time pressure? Join in, as Cubed3 takes the place in the hot-seat to answer the final question: Is Mr. Know it All worth a try?

Almost everyone has seen one of those prime time quiz shows on television where people have to answer questions of varying levels of difficulty, and often people are baffled by how the contestants can get easy questions wrong.

The reason for this is the sheer pressure and time limits that can make people do even the most obvious mistakes, and Mr. Know it All does a very good job at replicating this hot-seat feeling. The game is composed of some super easy quizzes, with questions such as "Is the sun hot?"

Screenshot for Mr. Know It All on iOS

At first, this might sound silly and ridiculously simple, but as the game progresses and more and more questions need to be answered, it quickly forces the player to give the wrong answer. It always feels hilarious when replying "Yes" on a question such as "Is a dog a vegetable?" but that is the power of the stress that a hot-seat experience puts on the participators of a quiz show.

Mr. Know it All is a very fun trivia game that gives the quiz show experience to everyone independently on their level of general knowledge, which is clever indeed. However, it is worth noting that it has a weird bug that might make it so that lives do not recharge if the game is on, which, while a minor annoyance, can break the game until it is figured out.

Screenshot for Mr. Know It All on iOS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 7 out of 10

Very Good - Bronze Award

Rated 7 out of 10

Is Mr. Know it All worth a shot? Yes. Can anyone pick it up and get the hot-seat experience of a quiz show? Yes. Is general knowledge required to fully enjoy Mr. Know it All? No. This is a solid quiz game that gives the full quiz experience to players, no matter their general knowledge, by putting the difficulty on the experience of pressure rather than the difficulty of the question. It is a really clever design choice that creates a difficult and rewarding quiz experience.


Tarboosh FZE


Tarboosh FZE





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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