By Liam Cook 25.11.2012
Borderlands 2 is a rich, enjoyable and downright hilarious adventure set on fictional planet, Pandora. The story sees players taking on the role of the four protagonists known as Vault Hunters and involves travelling through luscious, cel-shaded environments in order to stop Handsome Jack from opening an alien Vault, which harnesses a certain deadly power.
At its core, Borderlands 2 may seem like just another FPS, but it is the unique loot system and RPG elements that differentiate it from most other games on the market. The fact of the matter is that this game has guns, a lot of guns. Gearbox even set a Guiness World Record with the first game for the amount of guns it contained. However, this is the sequel being talked about, which definitely isn't lacking in the arms department.
The looting system in Borderlands 2 uses the tried-and-true colour co-ordinated formula seen in most modern-day RPGs; however, it's the unique stats of every item that sets this game apart from the rest of group. No two items are the same -- and if they are, it is a case of being either very lucky or extremely unlucky. Every weapon, shield, grenade mod and class mod has its own unique stats -- be it a different elemental effect, fire rate, or something else entirely.
Another common RPG element seen in this game is the use of skill trees; the four playable characters each have their own specific trees, so there is a lot of variety when it comes to making each character personalised. As well as having this, it is also possible to unlock alternate "skins" and "heads" to change the overall appearance of the lead character. Whilst this doesn't add anything ground-breaking, it's a nice little feature nonetheless.
One of the strongest aspects of this game is the ability to play through the entire story with three other friends online. When in co-operative mode, the enemies are tougher and the loot becomes better. However, while this is a co-operative mode, friends will become enemies as fighting starts over who gets the best loot! There is also a duelling mechanic, where players must melee with each other in order to initiate it. Duels aren't really in-depth and usually end in a matter of seconds, but they are a fun little distraction from the current objective.
Remember when games used to be humorous, unlike all those serious, gritty action games nowadays? Well, Borderlands 2 -- like its predecessor -- takes all of the seriousness away and replaces it with pure humour. The best part about this is that it actually works wonders. Without spoiling anything, Borderlands 2 references a lot of things outside of its quirky universe, from Internet memes to other video games. It does this ever so brilliantly without ever feeling like too much. If references aren't to your taste, then there is a lot of originality on offer, from brilliantly designed characters, to infamous quotes such as "Catch a riiiiiiiiiiide." Each and every character in the Borderlands universe is equally lovable…or annoying.
Something that really complements the game's direction is its beautiful cel-shaded artwork, which looks somewhat reminiscent to Red Steel 2's art style. It was great in the original Borderlands, but it is truly spectacular in this entry. Gone are the brown, muddy textures -- replaced with greenery and shrubbery - and the Highlands area even showcases some beautiful water effects.
All of this is made even better by Gearbox's decision to include PhysX support for the PC version, which is capable of some stunning effects. Specks of dust flying everywhere after an explosion has taken place, beautiful particle effects that will not fail to please the eyes. All of this is possible with the PhysX engine in the PC version -- but don't worry, not having it doesn't detract anything from the overall experience of the game.
When compared to its predecessor, Borderlands 2 is a huge game, offering 50+ hours of gameplay if wanting to complete all of the side-quests as well as the main story. The game also includes True Vault Hunter Mode, which is basically the same as a New Game+ and in this mode players start off with all their weapons and other items from the previous play-through. However, enemies are tougher and scale to your level more efficiently. Completists will probably get around 90-100 hours in total out of the game…and that's just with one character!
Borderlands 2 is a gorgeous and insanely fun FPS-RPG with a whole bunch of content for people who welcome its stay. Its unique looting system and tons of items will keep players busy for hours, trying to find the best gear. Whilst the game is still great if playing single-player, the most fun is had in the co-operative mode. For those who are fans of RPGs or even those who want to try something different, this game is definitely worth checking out -- it is simply awesome!
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