Trine: Enchanted Edition (PC) Review

By Shanker Varma 05.12.2014

Review for Trine: Enchanted Edition on PC

Trine is a 2D platforming adventure with a fully interactive physics engine that helps to make some challenging, but enjoyable puzzles. A choice of three characters is offered, each with their own unique abilities, which not only adds variety, but gives the freedom to experiment when working out the best way to proceed. These three heroes also let Trine be tackled co-operatively, as up to three people can play either locally or online. The heroes' journey is accompanied by a wonderful music track that excellently complements the beautiful art style to create an incredible adventure. With release of the most newest version, Cubed3 reviews Trine: Enchanted Edition.

Upon starting Trine, each of the characters are introduced in turn. Zoya, the thief, begins the story with her trusty bow and arrow. This allows enemies to be picked off from a distance, while her grappling hook can be fired at wooden surfaces to swing over hazards, ascend to greater heights or slide down to hidden areas. The wizard Amadeus is able to conjure various objects, including platforms and boxes, which allows one to literally make their way across a level in ways that are only limited by their imagination. Finally, trio is completed with the entrance of Pontius the knight, whose shield can protect him from both enemies and environmental hazards.

Each of the three characters' skills may be used to solve the variety of puzzles that make up each level. More often than not, there is the freedom to choose a favourite way to progress, which users can be as imaginative as they wish. Sticking with one character for all, or at least most of a level, is as feasible as switching between the three at will. This freedom of choice not only lets the player tailor the game to his or her own preference, it also reduces frustration and encourages ingenuity, as there is rarely a wrong answer when working out how to move forwards.

In addition to puzzles, Trine provides challenges with a number of enemies. While they aren't as varied as other games, they do provide a welcome change of pace and offer another chance to use the physics in a creative way. Each character has its own tools to use to fight enemies directly in a simple manner that doesn't drag on for so long that it becomes boring. It is also possible for characters to manipulate the environment by causing objects to fall on and crush foes that threaten. Trine rewards resourcefulness by awarding an achievement for killing enemies with items, which shows how rich with potential the mechanics are.

Screenshot for Trine: Enchanted Edition on PC

All of the characters' skills are upgradeable using experience vials that are hidden in each level. Finding them all is no easy task, which means that using the heroes' powers both creatively and co-operatively is necessary when finding some of the more elusive vials. In addition to this, the characters may equip items that give them specific abilities, such as reviving themselves once per level if they run out of health. These bonuses not only add replay value as they are sought out, but also prove to be invaluable when facing some of the tougher parts, especially on higher difficulties.

Trine is presented with a beautiful art style that is simple, yet very elegant. Some of the visual effects are truly astounding and will leave many pausing to admire the incredible vistas on a number of occasions. Each level has a distinct theme both visually and aurally, as the graphics are wonderfully complemented by an amazing soundtrack. There are a number of memorable music tracks that will remain in minds long after finishing the story, and they vary in moods to reflect the different settings of each level. Together, they create a truly memorable experience, as the kingdom is journeyed through.

There is the choice of completing the game individually or joining with up to two friends to tackle Trine's levels together. Co-op play works wonderfully well online, without any signs of lag or slowdown, so it literally feels like all players are using the same machine. Trine offers a choice of different ways in which to complete levels when playing alone, but this is furthered when users co-operate, as they are now able to levitate each other as they stand on various objects. This can lead to creative new solutions, but also hilarious results, as friends have the power to send each other plummeting to their doom!

Screenshot for Trine: Enchanted Edition on PC

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 9 out of 10

Exceptional - Gold Award

Rated 9 out of 10

Trine: Enchanted Edition offers a traditional platforming action-adventure game with a unique and incredibly entertaining twist. The physics make playing through each level even more fun, as players can experiment with the objects and enemies to their hearts' content. The whole game is presented beautifully, with an amazing accompanying soundtrack that fits perfectly within each of the levels. Whether it is exploring the hallways of the Astral Academy or navigating the Crystal Caverns, Trine delivers a truly memorable experience thanks to its entertaining gameplay, luscious visuals and truly legendary soundtrack. The smooth and enjoyable co-op mode is very much the delectable cherry on top of an already irresistible cake.






2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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